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Unreliable Electricity no longer an issue for solar powered hospital in Haiti
Haiti hospitality Solar power
Partners in Health, a Boston, Massachusetts non-profit organization helped to build University Hospital (Hospital Universitaire de Mirebalais) in Port-au-Prince in Haiti. This hospital was built in a way that it can be fully dependent on solar power for its electricity requirements.
Tanzania Using Solar Power to Fight Poverty
Lusela Murandika of Kanyala village, Tanzania, has been using a diesel generator to run his TV set and watch the evening news. He spends about $10 a month on fuel to run the generator.
Tigers Roar to Life with the Installation of 100 kW Solar System
Enphase Energy solar Solar power solar power system
The Tigers Richmond Football Club announces the installation of a 99.7 kW solar system in its home base at Punt Road Oval. Enphase Energy together with Yingli Green Energy Australia has installed the solar photovoltaic system.
Martin’s Fertilizer reduce electricity bills by switching to solar
A NSW company, Martin’s Fertilizer, is looking at considerable savings when its manufacturing facility switches fully to large scale solar power. Martin’s Fertilizer have installed grid-connected solar inverters at their plant in NSW.
IEA Predicts Solar Bound to Replace Coal as the Number One Energy Source by 2050
IEA Replace solar
If things do not change dramatically, by 2050, solar power will replace coal as the leading source of electric power in the world, so says the IEA (International Energy Agency).
Largest City in Vermont Now Using 100% Energy from Renewable Sources
Renewable Energy
Burlington, Vermont’s largest city proudly announces that it now gets 100 per cent of its electricity from renewable energy sources. A publicly owned utility, the Burlington Electric Department, earns the distinction of achieving this remarkable feat.
Green Tea Party Star Fights for Solar Power
Green Tea Party
Debbie Dooley has effectively combined Tea Party conservatism and solar power activism. This green party star is heading to Wisconsin to fight for solar power. Dooley is the founder of the Green Tea Coalition, a conservative-focused wing of the Tea Party.
Solar Industry in Australia Launches Energy Storage Council
Solar Industry
The Australian Solar Council joins with several stakeholders and launches a new industry body for the energy sector as it tries to engage more electric utilities.
Coal India Limited: Adapting To The Sustainable World of Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy solar incentives Sustainability
The largest coal producer in the world is going solar. The coal mining conglomerate Coal India Limited (CIL), nationalised by the Indian government in the 70s, is investing in renewable energy sources as a partner to the country’s Ministry of New and Renewable Energy to build solar plants for the generate of a thousand megawatts of combined energy.