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Australia’s Biggest Tracking Solar Farm, Uterne Gets Funding for Future Expansion
solar Solar Farm tracking solar farm Uterne
The Clean Energy Finance Corporation grants a $13 million loan to Epuron for the expansion of its Uterne tracking solar farm in southern Alice Springs. This will increase Uterne’s 1 megawatt capacity to 3.
Sunswift eVe solar powered car breaks land speed record
solar solar car Solar powered car transportation
A solar car designed to overcome “range anxiety” has set a land speed record in Australia. The Sunswift eVe, designed and built by University of New South Wales students, has beaten the previous world record for the fastest long-range electric vehicle.
The Battle For The Right To Preserve Commercial Net Metering
Net metering
The first battle between utilities and the solar industry commenced last year when utilities attacked the commercial net metering of solar energy in California, Louisiana, Idaho, and Arizona.
World’s Most Sustainable Home
sustainable home
Forget condominiums and townhouses, earthships are the epitome of green infrastructures in the 21st century. Constructed from worn car tyres and other similarly recycled materials, these are hard-core sustainable residences that use natural systems exclusively to provide utilities; the sun and rain for provision of electricity, water, and heat.
United States, China, and the United Kingdom Embrace Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy
Many countries continue to embrace renewable energy, with the United States, China, and the United Kingdom among those that have increased their reliance on new and renewable sources of power.
Electric Bus Charged by Wireless Technology
Electric bus wireless technology
An electric bus fleet plying the Milton Keynes route, the first of its kind in the UK, gives the Citroen C1 and future French cars a run for its money.
Invisible Solar Panels For Phone Batteries
The battery lives of mobile devices today are spent in less than half the time that you charge them. And the SunPartner Group in the quaint little French town of Aix-en-Provence decided to do something about it by creating a technology that enables mobile phones to charge themselves by using invisible solar panels.
The Future Of Commercial Solar Power and the RET
RET Solar power
Amidst the Cabinet’s division over what should be done with Australia’s Renewable Energy Target (RET), the Clean Energy Council (CEC) recently claimed that the number of commercial solar power installations has reached 15,000 and “tens of thousands more” of these businesses will “follow suit” should the RET be “left as legislated.
Applications for Printable Solar Panels
Printable Solar Panels
A team of physicists, engineers, and chemists from Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation a.k.a. CSIRO is nearing its development of printable solar panels for use in low-power applications such as personal devices.