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BioGlow: Glow In The Dark Trees Replacing Streetlights?
bioglow green trees urban
What Dutch designer Daan Roosegaarde has created looks perfect in a world like the James Cameron blockbuster, “Avatar”: trees that glow in the dark from jellyfish luminescence.
Solar Experts Discuss Microgrids, and Battery Storage
microgrids Renewable Energy World
A recent webinar on Renewable Energy World was conducted by several experts. The focus of the webinar is about the U.S. landscape for solar photovoltaic microgrids as well as energy storage.
Euro Solar Power Launches Summer Sizzling Solar Deals
Euro Solar Power solar
Euro Solar Power, true to its word in providing affordable solar solutions from residential to commercial and even industrial consumers who would like to switch to a more sustainable and renewable energy source, now offers a 2KW package for the provision and installation of an upgradable 3KW inverter.
Australia Ill-Prepared For High Energy Demand
High energy demand
A survey conducted for The Australian by Hall & Partners Open Mind, a research company, revealed that more than one third of 101 senior managers believe that the country is ill prepared to handle future high energy demand.
Massive Solar Grid to Cool Beer Warehouse
Massive Solar Grid
Instead of using the grid as its main source of power, executives at Florida’s largest distributor of Anheuser-Busch products are thinking of cooling their entire beer storehouse with 5,000 solar panels.
Scotland Builds Tidal Array Boosting Energy Security and Jobs
Tidal array
Scotland will soon be the host for the largest tidal array the world has ever seen. The government announced recently that it is building this facility in Pentland Firth in Northern Scotland.
Solar Demand May Cause Solar Systems Shortage
solar solar systems
There is a coming shortage of panels for solar systems and if there are no measures to avert this looming shortfall, the solar industry might take a dive.
China Promotes Its Vision For a Global Energy Internet
China global energy internet State Grid Corporation of China
Zhenya Liu, the Chairman of the State Grid Corporation of China spoke recently at an Electrical Engineering conference in Washington D.C. about his company’s vision to establish a global energy internet: a vastly encompassing global electricity grid powered by renewable energy sources.
Australia’s Oversupply Of Energy To Affect The RET Reduction
Australian Energy Market Operator RET reduction
According to the recent report of the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), Australia’s South-east will not require additional generation of energy in the next few years.