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V/Line’s Bendigo-Echuca Solar Powered Level Crossing
Bendigo-Echuca Solar solar Solar power
Bendigo-Echuca Line Is V/Line’s First Solar Powered Level Crossing, and more solar-powered projects may go ahead due to its success. The installation by V/Line of its first ever solar powered level crossing in northern Victoria will cost much less to operate “than mains electricity,” according to Australian Minister for Public Transport, Terry Mulder, saving “around $25,000” in operational expenses.
World’s Biggest PV-Diesel Hybrid Power Plant Energized by SMA
PV-diesel hybrid power plant SMA
The biggest PV-diesel hybrid power plant on earth is being built by Solar Technology AT (SMA) in Pando, a Bolivian province. SMA Solar-Diesel Hybrid Innovation Solar Technology AG is not only supplying the required photovoltaic inverters for this PV-Diesel Hybrid Plant but is also supplying a Fuel Save Controller.
NY Student’s Solar Powered Lens Purifies Water
solar powered lens technology
A New York student may have found a way to solve the problem of contaminated drinking water by conceptualising a solar powered lens that purifies water.
The Salmon Cannon: Migration Tool for Hydroelectric Dams
hydroelectric dam salmon
A US company has found a way to repair disruptions to salmon migration caused by hydroelectric dams with a device called “the salmon cannon.” Solving the Problem of Hydroelectric Dams Helping salmon to migrate back to spawning grounds has been done through various means in the past, from elevators and ladders to hand carrying and subsequently transporting them via trucks and even helicopters to enable the fish to swim upstream blocked by hydroelectric dams.
The New Samsung Smart Bulb: Enhancing User Experience
Samsung smart bulb technology
The Samsung smart bulb is the latest in innovation and cutting edge technology. The light bulb has an average life span of 10 years, and allows users to adjust their light fixture settings from their mobile devices.
Emma Thompson and Greenpeace Criticise Tony Abbott
Greenpeace Tony Abbott
Award-winning actress and Greenpeace supporter Emma Thompson held up a placard that read: “Tony Abbott Climate Change Is Real And I’m Standing On It,” a message directed at the Australian Prime Minister while on a campaign for protection of the Arctic against global warming in the eastern part of Greenland known as the Smeerenburg glacier.
Could Australia lose only solar manufacturer Tindo Solar?
solar panel Tindo Solar
Currently in Australia, there is only one solar panel manufacturer remaining, but that might not always be the case. Tindo Solar, which has a $6 million manufacturing plant and employs dozens of people was set to create 600 jobs under Australia’s Renewable Energy Target.
South Australia Wind Energy: Here To Stay
wind energy
South Australia wind energy and its power generation capacity are on the rise. This means a push in the direction of popularising renewables Wind power has been shown to undercut the price of fossil fuels sans the correction of market failure in factoring carbon pollution costs.
Environmental Impact of Agriculture
Environmental Impact
The environmental impact of the meat industry has been studied by the FAO and several recommendations have been made. The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations says that the environmental impact of greenhouse gas emissions of the agriculture sector have more than doubled in the past half a century, with the potential to increase by 30 percent by the year 2050.