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China’s Upcoming Carbon Trading Market

  carbon trading market China

When one thinks of environmentally advanced and proactive countries, China isn’t among the first to jump to mind. In fact, many associate the nation with poor air quality, lax regulation and gargantuan amounts of carbon dioxide emissions from numerous coal fired power stations.

Nissan LEAF – Free and Easy Electric Vehicle Charging

  electric vehicle charging EV Nissan leaf

Nissan is teaming up with Car Charging Group, Inc. to introduce free car charging for electric vehicles. The total production of electric vehicles is projected to jump by 67 per cent in 2014.


Australia’s Medical Scientists Are Up For Climate Change

  Climate change Tony Abbott

Abbott has came under fire from medical scientists who have warned about the “serious health risks” that Australians will face if environmental issues are not tackled with urgency.


Australia Post Solar System to Drive Clean Energy Initiative

  solar Solar Energy

Yingli Green Energy Australia, popularly known as Yingli Solar, has just installed a photovoltaic (PV) system, through Photon Energy Australia, at the Australia Post’s Star Track House at its New South Wales headquarters in Sydney’s Strawberry Hills.

Jim’s Solar Power Making Dent in Solar Industry

  dent Solar Industry solar installers Solar power

More and more commercial solar industry players continue to reap the benefits of the recent popularity being enjoyed by the Australian solar energy industry, made possible by government rebates and a decreasing cost of solar panel products and installation.


WHO Wants a Stable Climate and Global Health

  global health World Health Organization

The World Health Organization’s (WHO) first global health and climate change conference, which took place in Switzerland at the end of August, addressed the vast global health implications of climate change.

Tesla Motors Propels Cars with Electricity

  cars Tesla

Tesla, the well-known manufacturer of sports electric cars, plans to introduce its Model S in Australia. This luxury sedan is rated at 500KM which aims to be the gold standard for electric power.

Reaching London in a Solar Powered Tuk Tuk

  Londo solar Solar power solar powered Tuk Tuk

When Naveen Rabelli was stuck up in traffic, and around him are endless numbers of Tuk Tuks with their motors loudly banging on his ears, a thought came to his head: Is a solar powered tuk tuk a possibility?

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

  electric car charging stations electric vehicle EV EV ARC International United States

The momentum that electric vehicles are gaining within the automotive industry has provoked calls for funding for infrastructure and electric vehicle charging stations to support the growth of energy efficient cars.