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What Greenhouse Gas Emissions Will Do To Australia

  Australia emissions Greenhouse gas

According to researchers, greenhouse gas emissions are the reason for worsening environmental conditions in Australia and internationally. Having just abolished the carbon pricing system that would have penalised Australia’s biggest greenhouse gas contributors and beefed up renewable energy sources at the same time, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott does not think climate change is significant enough to give attention to.

Clean Energy Finance Corporation Fight For Renewable Energy

  clean energy Renewable Energy

The Clean Energy Finance Corporation is fighting for the renewable energy industry by providing an initial investment of around $80 million to the industry. Australia’s investment in renewable energy amounts to only around $40 million from January to June this year, the lowest in almost 13 years.


Plans to Unload Coal in Great Barrier Reef Draws Flak

  great barrier reef

Environmentalists and concerned citizens are up in arms over a proposal to unload coal at the Great Barrier Reef. According to environmental experts, such actions will put the marine life of the Great Barrier Reef in danger and cause great damage to the ecosystem.


PUP and Senator Muir Back ARENA

  Arena Government

Senator Ricky Muir and Clive Palmer’s PUP (Palmer United Party) have voiced support for the ARENA (Australian Renewable Energy Agency) following potential budget cuts that would cripple ARENA’s ability to make a significant difference in the solar energy industry.


What Makes the Tesla Electric Car Unique?

  Electric Car electric vehicle Tesla

As electric vehicles from motor manufacturers such as Tesla are becoming more and more commonplace in the United States, utility companies are doing their best to make their cost and operation as affordable as possible.


Australian Solar Boom Sign of Bigger Things to Come

  Boom sign

The Australian solar boom shown no sign of slowing down, and mid to long term projections estimate that the renewable energy industry may grow to dominate the Australian power market in the coming decades.


Energy Efficiency Rebates Program for Alberta Announced

  energy efficiency

**Alberta is set to introduce energy efficiency rebates following an announcement by the government which outlines their plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50 tons by 2020.


Change in Use of String Inverters and Central Inverters

  Central inverters String Inverters

Inverters are the single most expensive hardware required in any solar project, matched only by the solar panels themselves. In the past, string inverters were used exclusively for household solar projects while central inverters were associated with large scale solar power projects.

Cheap Solar Panels Could Come Within a Decade


For many years now, cheaper solar cells have been the Holy Grail of governments and companies involved in the solar power industry, yet cheap solar panels are still over the horizon.