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Young Port Macquarie Mum Saving Big Bucks With Solar

  solar Young Port Macquarie

Bec Pope is saving $100 a quarter since she installed solar hot water in her home, but this was just the first stage her electricity cost-cutting plan.


Newman breaks election promise

  Campbell Newman Feed-in tariff

Yesterday, the Queensland Government broke its election promise to retain the 44 cent feed-in tariff for solar PV generation only three months after being elected.


Tony Abbott supports renewable energy

  Renewable Energy

The 100% Renewable community campaign yesterday welcomed Tony Abbott’s ongoing support for the Renewable Energy Target and his willingness to listen to the evidence that renewable energy is keeping power prices rises down.


Coal Giants Attack Solar and Renewable Energy

  Coal Giant

One of the chief criticisms that fossil fuel narks have of solar power is its alleged inability to provide base load power. This is defined as the minimum amount of energy needed over a 24 hour period to satisfy the utility’s customers.


Energy Minister Mark McArdle announces changes to Solar Bonus Scheme despite election promise to maintain it

  solar bonus scheme

GENEROUS incentives for installing solar panels and returning power to the electricity grid are the latest victims of State Government cost-cutting. Despite an election commitment to “maintain the Solar Bonus Scheme“, Energy Minister Mark McArdle yesterday announced changes which will see the rebate for new installations reduced from 44 cents per kW/h to just 8 cents per kW/h.


Queensland Solar Scheme Slashed by Campbell Newman

  Solar scheme

The most recent setback for the Australia’s solar industry is set to cut thousands of jobs across Queensland. It is announced that Premier Campbell Newman is cutting back Queensland’s solar feed-in tariff from 44c per kWh down to 8c per kWh.


Carbon tax biggest change since GST

  carbon tax

In less than a week, households and businesses will face the biggest tax shake-up in more than a decade, as the carbon price and major changes to tax rates and family payments take effect.


Harvey Norman going solar

  Harvey Norman

Harvey Norman has thrown its support behind solar panel importer CBD Energy with a large order it says will position the discounter as a market leader.


Coalition says they’ll cut energy prices


The coalition says electricity prices will come down if it wins the next federal election and repeals the carbon tax. The tax, which takes effect from July 1, has been linked to an 18 per cent rise in electricity bills for NSW residents.