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Fossil Fuel Companies Can’t Get Away With Dodgy Climate Dealings

  Climate Action Climate change fossil fuel companies pollution

Fossil fuel companies just can’t get away with dodgy dealings when it comes to climate change. Recently, a group of attorneys general representing 17 states, Washington, D.


Electric Rain? Solar Panels That Turn Raindrops Into Power

  Renewable Energy Solar panels solar technology

Scientists in China have developed an innovative solar panel technology that could turn raindrops into electric power. The new solar cell design, which can be “triggered” by both rain and sun, is described in a paper published in the Angewandte Chemie journal.


7 Ways the Sun Can Help You Save Energy

  carbon footprint energy savings Solar power

Sunlight is a powerful tool that can not only save the planet from environmental damage but can save you money on your power bill every day.


Top 10 Global Solar Leaders


The renewable energy revolution continues to grow dramatically worldwide, with investment in the sector hitting an all-time high in 2015. Solar energy plays one of the biggest roles in the growth of the renewable energy sector globally.


Electric vehicle charging stations roll out at UQ campuses

  Electric Car electric vehicle university of queensland

Free public solar powered chargers for electric vehicles have been installed at two University of Queensland campuses in a bid to kick-start Queensland’s lagging electric vehicle uptake, Energy Minister Mark Bailey says.


3 Ways Solar is Improving How We Fly

  solar airport Solar power

The last thing you want to hear is yet another way we are all destroying the world around us. But too bad, we’re going to talk about it.


5 energy innovations revolutionizing the developing world

  energy innovation Renewable Energy Solar Energy

Global perceptions of renewable energy have been changing gradually as technologies become more advanced, adaptable and innovative. Traditional views in opposition to the adoption of renewable energy sources in both developed and developing nations has been that the drawback of renewable energy comes in the form of economic losses with the hardest hit being the world’s poor.


Ikea Unveils Ambition to be Number One Global Residential Solar Retailer

  IKEA residential solar Solar panels solar retailer

Building on its pioneering role in installing large solar arrays atop its stores in the Europe, the U.S. and Australia, Ikea will now introduce sales points within its stores at which homeowners will be able to purchase solar systems.


Queensland tackles Turnbull over dumping of renewable energy grants

  Malcolm Turnbull Renewable Energy renewable energy grants RET

ARENA noted in a statement today applauding the Origin contract with Moree that “not one” of the 22 solar projects on its shortlist would go ahead without grant funding.