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Is Australia Really Winning the Solar Energy Race?
Renewable Energy solar energy race Solar power
Renewable energy is becoming more and more relevant to our current and future lives. Some of the fastest growing industries are the ones focused on green technology, renewable energy, energy storage and basically anything that will reduce our harm to the planet.
Redflow Solar Power Battery Giving Tesla a Run for its Money
Redflow solar battery Solar power Solar Storage ZCell
Australian battery company, Redflow, are the new kids on the block in the increasingly competitive battery storage industry. As solar power grows in popularity for Australian homeowners and policy makers alike, industry innovators are capitalising greatly.
Global coal and gas investment falls to less than half that in clean energy
Global investment in coal and gas-fired power generation plants fell to less than half that in renewable energy generation last year, in a record year for clean energy.
Solar panel entrepreneur Jeremy Rich takes on the NBN
Jeremy Rich National Broadband Network NBN program Solar Industry solar panel
What do solar panels and high-speed internet have in common? Quite a lot, according to Melbourne businessman Jeremy Rich. After selling his solar panel business, Energy Matters, to US juggernaut Sun Edison, Mr Rich has created a new company, and has the government-owned NBN in his sights.
Rockefeller family charity to withdraw all investments in fossil fuel companies
divestment Fossil Fuels Rockefeller family
A charitable fund of the Rockefeller family – who are sitting on a multibillion-dollar oil fortune – has said it will withdraw all its investments from fossil fuel companies.
How do Apple’s renewable energy numbers stack up?
Apple Renewable Energy
At today’s announcement, Apple, as it sometimes does, gave prominent stage time to the future of the planet. After an interlude from CEO Tim Cook, Lisa Jackson, Apple vice president of environment, policy, and social issues, stepped on stage to make an announcement: 93 percent of Apple’s global operations now run on sustainable energy.
Climate change response must include slower population growth
Climate change environment population growth
Parts of Australia had a public holiday last Monday and, in the great tradition of the long weekend, families headed for the hills or the beach.
Frequently Asked Questions about Solar
frequently asked questions Solar Energy
Solar energy is created by converting the sun’s rays electricity. As a renewable energy source, this environmentally friendly alternative to burning fossil fuels is both convenient for you and beneficial to the world.
Volta Persuading Brands to Pay for Electric Car Chargers
clean technology Electric Car electric vehicle Volta
Volta Charging, a start-up that is slowly yet surely making its mark in the electric car industry, is persuading big brands to sponsor its electric car chargers**.