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5 Reasons to Buy an Electric Car
The fast growing popularity of the electric car industry has been caused by a number of factors, including influential industry backers, government subsidies and the evident financial benefits.
Student’s Go Off Grid with Complete Solar Storage System
off the grid Renewable Energy Solar Energy
A housing cooperative in the Sydney suburb of Newtown will make Australian history with the installation of a full solar storage system that will power the housing complex.
UNICEF Initiative Aimed at Supporting Startups in the Developing World
humanitarian open source technology social good trends UNICEF UNICEF Innovation Fund
Charities and NGOs are increasingly turning to different technologies to solve problems in developing countries. With an emphasis on open source technology, issues associated with access to energy, lighting, the Internet and information technology are becoming more accessible regardless of income or nationality.
Perovskite Solar Cells Only Two Years Away
perovskite solar cells perovskites Solar power
By 2018 the long-awaited “third generation” style perovskite solar cells will be ready for the market. Differing greatly from the traditional solar cells seen today, these panels utilising perovskite solar cells are highly efficient, lightweight, flexible and transparent, opening up a whole new range of solar opportunities.
Will Telecom Companies Kill Utilities?
Telecom Telstra Utility
The energy war is truly underway around the world, and there’s one word on everyone’s lips: storage, or more specifically, the solar-plus-storage revolution. Solar-based generation has been available to the market for decades, but energy utilities have managed to keep their stronghold over the energy market.
Top 10 Mistakes To Avoid When Purchasing Solar Panels
Going too cheap This is quite an obvious piece of advice, but is a surprisingly common mistake that solar customers make. Not falling for over priced systems and services will be outlined later in this article, and that is an important thing to remember; however, equally important is not going to too far on your hunt for the best value system on the market.
11 Countries Leading The Shift To Renewables
Renewable Energy renewables Solar Energy Solar power
In December 2015, close to 200 countries from all around the world signed the COP21 Paris Agreement, henceforth committing to decreasing their share of greenhouse gas emissions… and subsequently putting a stop to global warming.
Sahara switches on the world’s largest solar plant
Morocco Noor complex Solar Plant world's largest solar plant
What will be the largest concentrated solar power plant in the world has just been switched on in Ourrzazate, Morocco. Sitting right on the edge of the Saharan desert across thousands of acres is the Noor complex solar plant.
Without Solar: Are You Wasting Money?
You’re probably sick of hearing about the solar energy revolution by now. It’s the buzzword on everyone lips, and it’s only becoming more popular with the introduction of some of the first solar storage systems in recent months.