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Top 3 Green Technologies to Watch in 2016


3-D Printed Products _ Figure_ 1 Credit Creative Tools So what does 3-D printing have to do with green living? Well, the revolutionary potential of 3-D printing technology within almost all areas of clean energy and environmental innovation is more significant than most imagine.


Obama Doubles Renewable Energy Funding

  clean energy President Obama Renewable Energy Solar power Wind power

Barack Obama has announced this weekend that the budget for renewable energy funding will be doubling within five years in an attempt to commit to pledges made during the Paris Climate Summit in 2015.


Maserati to Go Hybrid, but Not by Choice


Maserati has announced that a full range of plug-in hybrid cars will be available by 2020 in an attempt to meet emission reduction goals. General Manager, Guilio Pastore, has told British car magazine, Autocar, that the luxury car giant has committed to introducing plug-in hybrid models to most of it future models.


Solar Storage Market To Reach $8 Billion By 2026

  Battery storage solar power systems Solar Storage solar storage market

As solar power systems combine with energy storage in a move to maintain it’s rapid uptake, distributed storage for solar will be an $8 billion market in the next decade.


5 Sustainability Apps to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

  carbon footprint carbon reduction green app smartphone app sustainable living

As the world’s biggest companies take significant measures to reduce carbon emissions, individual action on climate change and pollution has never been easier. Here are five sustainable living apps that are actually worth downloading.


The Time Of The Renewable Electricity Grid

  renewable electricity grid Renewable Energy

Just a few years ago, renewable energy was barely considered as a part of a country’s energy planning. Publics and governments attempted to increase the renewable share in their energy systems, however the costs were too high.


New Law Brings Delorean Back to the Future

  electric vehicle EV transport

Thought the DeLorean DMC-12 had disappeared into the past with the rest of the Back To The Future excitement and nostalgia? Think again. The DeLorean is making a comeback, and it’s all thanks to a new law passed in 2015.


Solar Powered Helium Airship- The Future of Air Freight Transport

  helium airship solar powered VariaLift

A UK scientist has developed an innovative idea for a helium airship powered with solar, that could be the key to reducing air-freight emissions. If the world is planning on meeting the climate change goals decided at the Paris Climate Conference last year, there are going to need to be drastic changes- the energy system will need to be at least close to/at zero emissions in the next 50 years.


Solar panel costs predicted to fall 10% a year


Solar power costs are tumbling so fast the technology is likely to fast outstrip mainstream energy forecasts. That is the conclusion of Oxford University researchers, based on a new forecasting model published in Research Policy.