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How renewable energy can power all of Australia
Australian energy Renewable Energy UNSW
According to Professor Mark Diesendorf, it is feasible for Australia’s electricity to be supplied by 100 per cent renewable energy- here’s how. In the past, relying on renewable energy as a sole power source was seen as far too risky because of the variability and uncertainty of the weather.
Rooftop solar now largest power station in WA
rooftop solar WA power station WA utilities
The rapidly increasing popularity of residential solar power in Western Australia has made it the ‘biggest power station’ in the state. Research published by Curtain University has shown that the amount of rooftop solar capacity now installed in WA by households and businesses is so large that it is the state’s largest de facto power station.
Could solar power save the Gaza electricity crisis?
Empower Gaza Gaza Gaza electricity crisis Solar panels Solar power
In Gaza, having light available in the emergency room can determine if a patient lives or dies- solar panels could solve this problem for good. Canadian doctor Ben Thomson is a volunteer doctor in Gaza, who has had patients die in his hands because he was forced to operate in the dark.
Over 1.5M Solar Power Systems Installed in AUS
Australia solar power systems
Australia is now home to more than 23.3 million solar panels- that’s at least one module for everyone in the country. According to SunWiz, a solar consultancy firm, the 1,500,000th solar power system was installed on the 22nd of December, 2015.
Elf- The Hybrid Future of Clean Transport
clean transport Organic Transport The Elf
According to the creators of the Elf vehicle, this interesting looking car-bike hybrid is the future of clean urban transportation. With an outer shell similar to the shape of an egg, the Elf looks somewhat like an inverted tricycle.
Town rejects solar panels for sucking ‘up all the energy from the sun’
North Carolina Solar panels
The good people of Woodland, North Carolina are not 100% convinced by these solar panel thingamabobs, to put it lightly. On Tuesday, the Woodland Town Council voted to reject a rezoning application that would allow a solar farm to be built by Strata Solar Company, the Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald reported.
Joint Israeli-Jordanian-Palestinian Plan Envisions a Solar Power Paradise
Israeli-Jordanian-Palestinian solar fields solar power paradise
The solar fields would dot the Jordanian desert, while Israel would supply water, says environmental organization EcoPeace. With an abundance of sunlight most of the year and decades of knowledge, Israel should be a light unto the nations in everything regarding solar power.
Africa plans renewable energy drive that could make continent world’s cleanest
Africa renewable energy drive
Regional leaders get behind initiative to accelerate solar, hydro, wind and geothermal energy production, to reduce reliance on coal and cut emissions.
Introduction to Solar Power Chargers for Electronics
electronics Solar power chargers
The benefits of solar-powered chargers <p> It was in 1954, where researchers at Bell Laboratories created the photovoltaic cell, which later evolved into solar cells that transform the heat of the sun into a usable source of energy.