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Volkswagen Releasing EV Hippie Van

  electric vehicle EV hippie van Volkswagen

Volkswagen has recently announced that they are bringing back a new and improved version of their all time favourite hippie van- as an electric vehicle.


Greece Introduces Driver-Less Bus Project

  Driver-less Car

At the forefront of global scrutiny over its economic situation, you certainly wouldn’t consider Greece as a leader in any industry, let alone of the of most innovative and growing sectors in the world.


Australian Suburb Denman Powers Every Home With Solar

  Denman solar home Solar panels Solar power solar powered home

Denman Prospect in western Canberra, will soon be Australia’s first suburb that requires solar panels to be installed on every home. Stephen Byron, Capital Estate Developments managing director has said that Denman’s new design and building guidelines have a requirement inclusive of a three kW solar panel system installed on every residential property.


Panasonic Outdoes SolarCity’s Record Breaking Solar Panel

  most efficient solar panel Panasonic Solar Energy solar panel Solar power SolarCity

Just under two weeks ago SolarCity announced their most efficient solar panel, however Panasonic has quickly surpassed them with their high-powered photovoltaic module. SolarCity bragged of a module efficiency exceeding approximately 22 per cent, however Panasonic’s Eco Solutions division has now announced that their new prototype solar panel is said to sit at 22.


Elon Musk Predicts Fully Autonomous Cars By 2017

  complete autonomy Driver-less Car electric vehicles Elon Musk Fully autonomous cars Model S Tesla Tesla Model S

Elon Musk has announced he believes Tesla vehicles will be completely autonomous and have an electric range exceeding 1,000km by 2018. He also predicts that all new cars will no longer require a driver by approximately 2035.


Solar Energy Revolution Overshadows Wind Power

  Solar Energy Wind power

A Global Data study has revealed that solar energy is now the leading renewable energy source in Australia. Wind and bio technology have taken a back seat to solar energy use as government rebates and incentives are encouraging more Australians to move to solar technology.


Robot Taxi to Hit The Streets of Japan Next Year

  Robot Taxi

Automated technology is a part of almost all aspects of our daily lives, so it was only time before transport became transformed by automatic technology. Japan will be the first to introduce the automatic robot taxi as early as next year.


Solar Powered Phone-charging Smart Benches

  phone charging bench Smart bench Solar panels Solar power Strawberry Bench Strawberry Tree

London’s Canary Wharf complex will soon have four incredible new solar powered ‘smart benches’ that allow you to charge your phone while on the go.


Think wind turbines can cause health problems? Think again!

  Health Wind Turbines

#Researchers at #MIT have recently disproved the theory that living near #WindTurbines can cause a number of health problems. Great news for producers of renewable energy!