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Why Big Banks are Joining the Anti-Coal Movement
Anti-coal movement
Some of the world’s biggest banks are showing a strong trend away from fossil fuel investment, as Citigroup becomes the most recent financial giant to join the anti-coal movement.
Electric Vehicles Could Soon Be Mainstream
Electric Car electric vehicle electric vehicle market mainstream
When people say electric vehicles will take the lead in the car industry by 2030, the common public reaction is doubt for several reasons- however this now may change.
The Latest in Eco Living – Straw Bale Homes
Straw Bale Home
The latest in innovative home design, the straw bale home, is attracting enormous attention from architects, engineers and sustainability experts alike due to its environmentally friendly and sustainable qualities.
6 Places You Could See Solar In The Future
6 places Solar Energy solar future Solar power solar technology technology
Places that may have previously been seen as an unlikely power source are now possible with the advent of smarter solar. The future of solar energy will no longer be confined to rooftops or vast flat landscapes- it may just be popping up in some very unexpected places.
Microsoft Leads Eco-Friendly Movement
Eco-friendly Microsoft Renewable Energy renewables
Software giant Microsoft has implemented a program that places them at the top of the leader board for a quickly growing effort called carbon pricing.
Rectenna Technology More Efficient than Solar and Wind
alternative energy energy efficiency Renewable Energy
Scientists are beginning to realise that sunlight is a valuable form of energy production in more than one way. A new breakthrough called rectenna technology has allowed scientists to convert sunlight straight into direct current electricity.
SolarCity Creates World’s Most Efficient Solar Panel
most efficient solar panel photovoltaic system Solar Energy solar panel Solar power
SolarCity has recently created the world’s most efficient rooftop solar panel that includes a 22 per cent conversion efficiency. The sun-powered startup that was founded by Lyndon and Peter Rive (Elon Musk‘s cousins), SolarCity, announced their construction last week.
Are Flow Cell Batteries the New Tesla Rival?
Flow Cell flow cell batteries Lithium Ion Batteries Tesla
Harvard researchers believe that flow cell batteries could be a rival to the Tesla Powerwall battery storage system. Professor Michael Aziz claims the new battery technology he is developing with his team of researchers will not only become a significant competitor to Tesla’s battery systems, he believes the flow-cell battery is in fact a superior design.
An Antarctic Expedition in the Name of Leukemia
Antarctica Outer Edge Magazine
A group of Australian explorers are attempting a world first set to take off in December this year. Charles Werb and his team of adventure experts will travel from Cape Town to the South Pole and back all in the name of Leukemia Research – better yet, they’re doing it using exclusively renewable energy.