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Tesla Powerwall Available Late 2015
Powerwall Tesla Tesla Energy
Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk has officially unveiled the Powerwall along with it’s new Tesla Energy program that will be available in Australia later this year.
Norway Launches World’s First Electric Ferry
Electric Ferry
Norway has has become the first country in the world to enjoy an Electric Ferry. The technological development has sees the world’s first electrical ferry launched commercially.
Will Tesla’s Electric Car Superchargers Do More Bad Than Good?
charging stations electric vehicle NRG supercharger Tesla
Tesla Motors has just recently unveiled its ‘Supercharger’ charging stations in the United States, however they are not alone in the market. The electric car manufacturer is expected to face very strong competition from third-party electric car chargers which have already established themselves on US roads long before Telsa CEO Elon Musk thought of constructing his charging infrastructure.
Electric Aircraft to Be Sold in 2017
Electric Aircraft
A plan for the production of electric aircraft was recently announced by the Airbus Group, with the E-Fan 2.0 slated for completion by late 2017 or early 2018.
Mercedes And Qualcomm’s Wireless Charging Technology Line
electric vehicle wireless charging technology
In the past the world has been stunned by various car manufacturers such as Nissan, Toyota, BMW and others with their wireless charging technology for electric vehicles.
ASEAN Nations Fail in Corporate Social Responsibility
ASEAN Corporate Social Responsibility CSG
According to a report from the global conservation group, The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) South-East Asian financial institutions are falling far behind their focus on responsible lending and corporate social responsibility.
Australia World Leader of Solar Power Installation
solar power installation
Recent research on Australian solar power installation has revealed a dramatic increase in renewable energy utilisation over the past few years, making Australia the new world leader.
Car Expert Mujeeb Ijaz at the Centre of Apple Electric Car Controversy
A123 Apple Car Electric Car
Speculation about Apple entering the electric car market is nothing new the technology industry. Rumours have ranged from an actual Apple Vehicle to a rival Tesla-like battery system.
Residential Energy Storage Leads Way To Sustainable Future
residential energy storage sustainable energy
Australia’s renewable energy industry is heading into a more promising and lucrative future with solar power and residential energy storage at centre stage. Recent reports and statistics revealed that more households, even low income homes and regional communities are gearing for a more sustainable future as evidenced by the current surge in solar installation demands.