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Panasonic Eneloop Batteries Preserve Decade Long Power
eneloop batteries energy saving Renewable Energy
Panasonic has unveiled that its rechargeable ‘Eneloop’ batteries can maintain up to 70 per cent of power if left unused. The Panasonic Energy Corporation of America had revealed this astounding discovery on its tenth year anniversary celebration.
Free Solar Panels Give Hope to Low Income Families in America
Low income families Solar power subsidies
Solar energy has always been a popular choice for Californian households, but have only been feasible for those who can afford it. One reason that most low income homes find it hard to install solar panels is due to the initial cost of solar installation which begins from $15,000 upwards**.
SunEdison’s Ultimate Projects
Solar Energy Solar power Sunedison
U.S solar giant SunEdison is leading the solar energy market with its innovative large-scale projects. At the advent of the solar industry, many businesses took a risk getting involved when the market itself looked quite volatile and uncertain.
Electric Cars Could Eliminate Gasoline and Diesel by 2040
Electric Car
The combined efforts of car makers, advocacy groups and governments around the world has seen the first Electric Cars garner success just four years after being released to the market.
SunEdison Changing The Game In Australia
Solar Industry Sunedison
Innovative financing options are now available for those interested in purchasing solar, making solar installation in the home simpler and more affordable. Industry U.S solar giants have come up with a novel way to expand the market for solar by selling the systems within a financed package of sorts, avoiding huge upfront payments whilst positioning the package as another way of purchasing electricity in a cost-effective way.
Why the Affordable Tesla Model 3 Should Be Considered As Alternative Car for 2017
Electric Car Tesla Model 3
Elon Musk, CEO and founder of Tesla has confirmed that the Tesla Model 3 is set to be revealed in 2016 and launched in 2017. Musk states that this Tesla car is estimated to be released as early as March 2016 but without any promises.
Spain Utilising Alternative Energy
alternative energy Renewable Energy Spain
According to the Red Electrica de Espana (REE), Spain has been generating most of its electricity utilising carbon free sources of power. The Spanish received almost 69 per cent of their electricity generation during March from certain types of technologies that are carbon free, and most of it came from renewable energy sources, where a small amount was also generated from their nuclear plants.
Solar Chimneys: Viable Alternative to Photovoltaic Cells?
Solar Chimney
What in the world is a solar chimney? It seems that there is no end to the development of amazing new technologies surrounding the renewable energy market.
World’s First Solar Energy Road A Big Success
solar energy road SolaRoad
The world’s first-ever solar energy road, dubbed the SolaRoad, has left a lasting impression on its developers after generating an astounding 3,000 kilowatt hours of energy in just six months.