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Koch Siblings Lose War Against Green Energy
green energy Koch brothers
Fossil fuel magnates, the Koch brothers**,** have been waging war against certain bipartisan policies in favour of renewable energy for many years. Despite intense efforts by the family, who own oil giant Koch Industries, renewable and green energy is still on the rise in the US.
New research uncovers perovskite potential
perovskite silicon solar energy research
Perovskite is the next big thing when it comes to solar energy research methods, as it may just have the ability to convert light into electricity in a more efficient and cost-effective way, potentially changing the landscape of the solar industry.
Better Battery Technology Allowing For Driver-Less Vehicle
Battery Battery Technology electric vehicle EV OXIS
UK based company OXIS Energy Ltd are commissioning batteries to bring us one step closer to a driver-less car. The** **vehicle in question is the Meridian-Navya, which is a shuttle car.
Elon Musk saving the world with solar
Elon Musk Fossil Fuels Tesla
Revolutionizing the world we live in seems to be on the top of Elon Musk’s to-do list, as the Tesla CEO plans to construct a monster, and by monster we mean the largest solar panel factory the world has ever seen.
Abbott Government Help Fund Consensus Centre
Abbott Government
The Abbott Government has handed over $4 million with regards to climate change antagonist Bjørn Lomborg in developing a consensus centre at the University of Western Australia, this after the same government struggles to adhere to spending cuts for higher education.
Plug-In hybrids soon to be overtaking EV’s in Europe
Hybrid engines
Although electric cars are currently ahead of plug-in hybrid sales within the European market, IHS Automotive (an industry research company) has predicted that plug-in hybrid sales will soon be overtaking on a global scale.
Electric vehicle evolution in the U.S assisted by Australian tech
electric vehicle
Leading investment bank, UBS, recently delivered a stirring message to its clients, stating that it is ‘time to join the revolution’. The bank has predicted that the payback time for unsubsidised investment in electric cars, rooftop solar and battery storage will be as low as 6 to 8 years by 2020.
Renewable energy technology continues to rise in California
Solar power
Since 2013, California has been very proactive in experimenting with all different kinds of renewable energy technology. Within a single year period, solar power within the sunny state grew to more than double its previous size, coming second only to wind power for the title largest supplier of renewable electricity in 2014.
Sydney Welcomes the Country’s First Ever Hydrogen Refueling Station
Hydrogen Refueling Station Sydney
April was the month the very first hydrogen refueling station was launched within Australia, and the event was one to be noted. The industry is planning on creating a hydrogen superhighway stretching all the way from Melbourne right into Sydney.