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SunEdison program to train low-income renewable energy workers
economy jobs Solar Industry Sunedison
Just recently, GRID Alternatives, Australia’s biggest not-for-profit solar installer, and SunEdison, an energy development firm from Missouri, agreed on a partnership deal what will help create renewable energy jobs for low-income workers.
Electric aircraft designed by NASA could hold untapped potential
Electric Aircraft NASA Solar Energy
NASA has recently designed an electric aircraft that they hope will help usher in a brand new era in the history of aviation – a period where planes finally use clean and environmentally-friendly power.
Green roofs now a requirement for commercial buildings in France
France Solar power
In March the French government approved a law that requires all new establishments in commercial zones to include solar panels or green roofs. As it currently stands, France is way behind its neighbouring countries when it comes to renewable energy, but with this most recent policy, it seems the region is making a change for the better.
Facebook drones to provide internet access to 5 billion people
Facebook Solar power
Facebook announced earlier this year that they would soon be offering internet connectivity to over 5 billion people who do not currently have access. The global giant plans on achieving this astonishing feat through the use of a solar drone which is scheduled to be tested within the coming summer.
Lithium-ion cells last more than 5 time longer reveals battery tests
lithium-ion cells
Andreas Gutsch, a researcher from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, has recently spoken at a PV Symposium in Germany about his findings that some lithium-ion cells working in storage systems have achieved up to 30% capacity loss after 1,000 cycles.
Battery costs decline as sales of electric vehicles continue to rise
electric vehicle
Due to the high cost involved with battery cell manufacturing, wholesale adoption of electric vehicles on a commercial scale has been slow to take off. However, a study published within Nature Climate Change Letters shows that car battery costs may be as low as US$300 per kilowatt-hour as it currently stands, and may even be able to reach the US$200 mark by 2020.
Climate change global action encourages big business to step up
Climate change
Just a mere six years ago, an international climate treaty was on the verge of becoming possible, though there was still a wide gap between the concept of it being a reduced carbon global economy and the ability of the capital market to deliver on it.
Energy industry changing with solar expected to achieve grid parity
Solar power
Energy analysts at Deutshe Bank, a global financial institution based in Germany, have announced that by the year 2016, solar power is expected to be the same rate, or even cheaper, than traditional electricity from the grid in all but three American states.
eLearning: Transforming Training in the Construction Industry
eLearning electrical safety etrainu
While the economy continues to face rising rates of unemployment, the construction industry is booming, according to recent data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. There has been a continual surge of new jobs in the building and trades sector over the past couple of years, meaning now is the best time to complete a White card online training course and learn the importance of construction safety as more people enter the construction industry