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Solar power incentive increases renewable energy investment
Solar power
Consumers across the U.S. and Canada now have the opportunity to receive huge discounts thanks to the Solar Community initiative. Unveiled in October last year, this nationwide bulk solar purchase program is the first of its kind and will provide homeowners easy access to affordable solar power.
Energy consumption in the home could soon be on the decline
energy consumption
There is a fairly common behavioural change that occurs as we leave the summer behind and the colder months return. It is not unusual for gym attendance to be down and the number of people outdoors to hit an all time low for the year.
Renault electric vehicle set to re-enter Quebec auto market
electric vehicle
There has been whispers of late surrounding the re-introduction of the Renault electric vehicle into the Quebec province in Canada, this time around as a Mitsubishi sedan.
Battery electric vehicle from Nissan shown to be a good investment
electric vehicles
Just four years ago, the original Nissan Leaf was introduced in the market as the very first modern battery electric vehicle sold on a large scale.
Plug-in hybrid vehicles improved by nickel-metal hydride batteries
electric vehicles plug-in hybrid
The seperation has becoming clear in the past decade – nickel-metal hydride, or NiMH, batteries will now be utilized exclusively for plug-in hybrid vehicles, or at least those that are made by Toyota, a top auto manufacturer who is at the forefront when it comes to the use of the NiMH batteries.
Plug-in cars achieving higher success in the Chinese auto market
electric vehicles
The Chinese market are a significant portion of the total sales of plug-in cars around the world. As technology improves and prices decrease, consumers are switching over to an electric vehicle like never before.
Virgin electric car – Branson’s next business?
Virgin electric car
Being a co-founder of the Virgin Group, Richard Branson has an incredibly diverse investment portfolio. Branson’s venture history includes a commercial space flight company, a megastore chain, a telecommunications retailer, and a record label.
Why the electric car revolution has not reached Australia
Electric Car Electric Car Revolution
Suddenly the electric car wheels in Australia have stopped running. Some sections of the media may have been seduced by the marketing hype in the past but most Australian buyers are pragmatic.
Renewable energy given a boost with Nissan’s EV-to-grid project
electric vehicles electricity grid
One of the world’s top electric vehicle manufacturers, Nissan, has signed a deal with utility corporation Endesa that will allow owners of EVs to sell excess renewable energy stored in their batteries to the electric grid.