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Laser Power Systems begins developing a thorium-powered car

  laser power systems nuclear energy

An advantage of those who own a vehicle with a Thorium-powered car engine is that they will never have to refuel it, not even once. The vehicle will have worn out long before the fuel chemical is gone.


Wind power in the U.S and China set to increase in the near future

  Nuclear power Wind power

China is a big fan of nuclear power plants and they now own and operate more than any other country in the world, with plans to increase production three fold by 2020.


Solar car from Stanford University to compete at WSC in 2015

  Solar Vehicles Stanford University

The solar car technology project at Stanford University started as a student-run organization way back in 1989. Primarily focused on designing, building, and racing solar cars, the students’ ultimate goal is to be able to join at the World Solar Challenge competition, a major event held in Australia every other year.


Electricity network privatisation proposal by the Baird Government

  Baird government Electricity Network

Electricity network privatisation is currently a point of much contention Western Sydney. Voters have made it clear they are not interested in listening to Premier Baird’s suggestion that leasing the energy network will bring $20 billion to the public and ultimately provide funding for infrastructure of new roads.


CEFC & NAB offering financial incentives for solar investment


Another step in the right direction as the National Australia Bank, otherwise known as NAB, along with the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) have decided to offer small to medium size business enterprises a discounted finance option when they invest in solar power and improve energy efficiency within operations.


Electric hybrid now counted among the luxury cars of Dubai Police

  electric hybrid International

The police force of Dubai is known all over the world for its huge collection of obscenely expensive, luxury cars. It wasn’t always this way at first.


Tesla plans 16 supercharger stations between Melbourne and Brisbane

  Elon Musk Supercharger stations Tesla

The Macademia Castle, a traditional refuge for weary souls travelling between Ballina and Byron Bay for 40 years, is now looking at a possible change of character.


Quantum airplane design set to be a reality in the near future

  airplane aviation technology

Many both within and outside of the aviation industry are amazed with the development of the Progress Eagle, a quantum airplane that is slated to become a reality in the next 10 to 15 years.


Is solar inverter manufacturer Enphase caught up in an energy war?


In a recent interview with the Paul Nahi, Chief Executive Officer of Enphase Energy, the biggest solar inverter manufacturer in the world, it was clear that he had a lot to say about tech companies like Google, Apple, and Samsung.