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Nestlé To Open Another Zero Water Milk Factory

  milk factory Nestlé water saving zero water

After opening its first ‘zero water plant’ in 2014 and creating a revolutionary solution to the growing water crisis across the globe, Nestlé has recently unveiled their plans to develop a second facility.


Privatisation of energy bundled with price guarantee to reduce bills


Premier Mike Baird is risking his political career in his desire to fight the aggressive union campaign against electricity privatisation. But bidders for the electricity networks will also be required to sign a price guarantee that their costs in 2019 will be lower than they were in 2014.


Solar Can Provide 10% of US By 2030

  Electricity solar

At present, solar electricity supplies only about 0.23 per cent of American electricity generation. However, this could very easily skyrocket to 10 per cent in the next three decades.


Nyngan Solar Plant boosts AGL’s reputation within industry

  Nyngan Solar plant solar technology

AGL’s Nyngan Solar Plant will soon be up and running and upon completion, the plant will have a 102 MW capacity. The mega project set to reaffirm AGL’s reputation as the biggest ASX-listed owner, operator and developer of renewable energy generation in Australia.


CEO Reveals How Solar Upsets $2 Trillion Energy Industry

  Energy Industry

The solar energy industry is dramatically changing from being heavily reliant on government subsidies to being an upsetting force. This impact of the solar power is borne out of its current competitive costs and fast innovation.


Byron Bay goes for net zero emissions target

  Byron Bay Net Zero Emissions Target Renewable Energy

Byron Bay is targeting “net zero emissions” in its desire to become the first regional shire to reach that goal. This move is in line with the direction that the northern area of New South Wales is taking towards renewable energy and solar power.


Renewable Energy Party launched in NSW to champion renewables


The Renewable Energy Party was recently launched in New South Wales. This new political party will be the first in Australia that dedicates itself completely to the cause of renewable energy.


New Cheap Circuit Could Make Smartphones Two Times Faster


US scientists have created a new cheap circuit that could make smartphones and similar devices two times faster than the current standard speed. This discovery will enable smartphone users to receive and send data at the same time.


Tesla Motors new line of solar batteries exceed all expectations

  Electric cars Solar Storage technology transport

Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk was heard loud and clear in early May as he announced the initial response to his company’s latest product line of solar batteries.