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Ikea North Lakes location to boost local Moreton Bay economy in 2016
IKEA technology
The news that Swedish retail giant Ikea plans to open a 29, 000 square metre outlet located in North Lakes, Moreton Bay was met with excitement throughout south east Queensland.
Light-manipulating Networks Inspired By Natural Designs
Light-manipulating networks enhanced by natural design
The Boston College and South China Normal University researchers noted that the designs seen in leaf veins and spider web have near perfect implications when they are adapted for optoelectronic applications.
13.4 MW Floating Solar Power Plant Plans Revealed By Kyocera
Floating Solar Power Plant Kyocera
Japan’s Kyocera announced its joint project with partner Century Tokyo Leasing Corp. of building a 13.4 MW floating solar power plant in the country. Kyocera will build and operate the photovoltaic facility on the Yamakura Dam in Chiba prefecture.
Perovskite minerals incorporated into new solar panel technology
perovskite solar panel technology
Imagine paper-thin, individualized coloured solar panels secured onto a window of a building. Such a concept may soon become a reality according to one study by Britain’s Exeter University, as new generation solar panels have been created and developed from perovskite minerals.
Apple CEO announces monumental $848M solar power partnership
A significant development for green energy as Apple CEO Tim Cook announced his company’s monumental solar power partnership with First Solar Inc in February, 2015. The project will allow for Apple to generate enough electricity in order to power all of their operations based in California, including the forthcoming “spaceship” Campus 2 project, during the end of 2016.
Photovoltaic System Increases Residential Re-sale Value
photovoltaic system solar powered homes
Adding a photovoltaic system to one’s home not only cuts down energy use, but also increases the resale value. According to Robert Madden of Green Leaf Realty, solar powered homes have a price premium of 30% over non-solar homes.
Broken Hill Solar Plant set to be second largest of its kind in Australia
Broken Hill Solar Plant technology
Representatives of the Broken Hill Solar Plant project have maintained that it will be finalised at the end of this year. The $200 million initiative is located on a 140 hectare plot, making it the second biggest project of its kind to be found within Australia.
Carnegie Perth wave energy power station now in action
Carnegie Perth power station technology
Another step in the right direction for renewable energy in Australia as Carnegie Wave is switching on their onshore power station at their Perth Wave Energy project.
SEIA Says US Solar Energy Research Is In Full Swing
SEIA Solar Energy
The threat posed by climate change to the US and the rest of the world is real, but according to the GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), solar energy in the US is in high gear, with solar projects being completed left and right.