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Solar Panel Installation Made Easy
As each year passes people are increasingly moving away from fossil fuel and nuclear energy and are instead embracing options like solar and wind. With solar panel manufacturing and installation becoming more widespread; the associated decrease in cost means even the average consumers can become more eco-friendly.
Rooftop solar power continues to gain popularity as costs decrease
Rooftop Solar Power technology
In the past five years, solar energy has seen very big decrease in price, especially when considering small-scale rooftop solar power. It was not that long ago when the thought of having residential renewable energy was only a ‘nice thought to consider’, whereas today, many families across Australia are now enjoying the benefits of cheaper, cleaner energy.
Wind Turbine Farm To Power Honda Car Plant
The Honda car manufacturing plant in Sumare, Sao Paulo will be powered by a nearby wind turbine farm located hundreds of miles to the south. The farm, located in Xangri-la, Brazil, contains a current total of 9 3MW wind turbines.
White House Launches Climate Education and Literacy Initiative
President Obama and the White House have just launched the Climate Literacy Initiative to ensure citizens and students are educated regarding climate change. Many Americans are not fully aware about the scientific facts surrounding climate change and the efforts that the world is doing to fight it.
LightSail spacecraft mission funded by private citizens of the world
LightSail spacecraft technology
The LightSail spacecraft, riding atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket, will be the very first solar sail mission that will be orbiting just outside the earth’s atmosphere during May, 2015.
Australia at a disadvantage as Abbott avoids proactive policy
Australian Government Climate change politics
Global warming is happening in Australia and the rest of the world and yet PM Tony Abbott doesn’t seem to think that this is an issue that needs to be properly addressed.
Solar Panel Installation Is Becoming A Standardized Feature Of New Homes
When a couple in Golden, Colorado bought their house from Lennar Corporation, their purchase included a solar panel installation on their rooftop that will give them 20 years’ worth of electricity powered by renewable energy.
Lima Climate Summit 20M Hectare Reforestation Pledge
The Lima climate summit saw several countries agree upon a global reforestation plan to plant hundreds of millions of trees in a total of 20 million hectares around the world.
Skyven Technologies solar project wins the ‘Cool Idea! Award’
Companies Industry Development International
Skyven Cogen System just won the ‘Cool Idea! Award’ with its innovative solar panel system. It produces energy for both heating water and energy for electrical power simultaneously.