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India talks with the U.S to discuss strategies to fight climate change

  Climate change International

After United Nations International climate talk that will be happening in Paris at the end of this year, United States President Barack Obama is traveling to India to meet with Prime Minister Modi.


Solar Energy Continues to Boom in Arizona and Across the United States


Throughout the start of the 21st century, old box televisions were slowly replaced by flat-screen TVs and the period of touch screen phones began to slowly rise.


Solar Stocks To Buy As Demand And Installations Gets Stronger


The recent action by the U.S. International Trade Commission in finally addressing the trade infractions by the Chinese has negated the risks related to possible tariffs for solar PVs.


Solar grid parity is happening by 2017 according to Deutsche Bank

  Industry Development Solar power

Solar grid parity is happening within two years according to Deutsche Bank, a global financial institution based in Germany. In fact, solar grid parity is expected to be in up to 80% of the global market by 2017, with even the falling price for oil doing little to slow this shifting energy dynamic.


Solar-electric watercraft brings renewable energy to powered boats

  International solar

Infinyte 14 has just revamped the family holiday at the lake house! This solar-electric watercraft is the newest item out in the market for water vehicles.


Hyundai announces they will release their first electric car in 2016

  Electric cars Hyundai transport

Hyundai has announced at a press release that it has plans to launch an electric sedan in early 2016, followed later by an SUV and a sports car.


Batteries created by Seeo in U.S significantly improve EV range

  Batteries Electric cars EV range Seeo transport

The U.S. company, Seeo, funded by the Department of Energy, have recently developed batteries that can store signifcantly more energy than current electric vehicle batteries can.


Renewable Energy the Way Forward for German-based E.On


Recently, one of Germany’s largest utilities, E.On made the decision to leave the business of nuclear, natural gas, and coal power plants. According to E.On’s CEO, Johaness Teyssen, utilities need to make a decision on whether they want to remain producers of greenhouses gasses to generate energy or focus on renewable energy such as solar and wind power and work towards creating a more sustainable future.


India solar power canal project to power over 1.5 million homes


The Indian State of Gujurat unveiled a new plan back in 2012 to cover roughly 1,000 miles of wide-open canals with solar panels. The India solar power canal project would be capable of generating over 2.