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Report reveals solar energy is fast becoming the most popular renewable
Solar Energy
The “State of American Energy Report” by the American Petroleum Institute (API) released in January 2015 has once again highlighted the importance of utilizing solar energy to sustain the future of America.
Solar Roadways a farfetched dream or a realistic possibility?
solar Solar Roadway
Attempting the electrify roads and highways using reinforced solar panels is technically difficult, hence the negative reaction that Scott and Julie Brusaw have received since announcing their start up Solar Roadways campaign.
Wind Energy Coalition Campaign For Multi-year Extension For PTC And ITC
Wind Energy Coalition
A letter to the House has been sent by the Governor’s Wind Energy Coalition group, together with the chairman, vice-chairman, and former chairman requesting for the approval of a multi-year extension of the Production Tax Credit (PTC) and the Investment Tax Credit (ITC).
Microgrids providing security & stability to energy hungry consumers
Energy resilient communities that are looking for expansive, stable and consistant supply of power are influencing the rising growth and demand for microgrids. Utilities are increasingly unable to provide that “always-on” power that consumers are looking for in today’s modern world.
Trina Solar sets world record in the field of solar cell efficiency
solar Trina Solar
A new world record was recently set by Trina Solar regarding their success with solar power output from their high efficiency multi-crystalline silicon module. The notable release, referred to as Honey Plus multi-crystalline silicon PV module, was made by the company’s State Key Laboratory of PV Science and Technology during December 2014.
Arizona Corporation Commission Blocks Utility Monopolies In Solar Market
Arizona Corporation
The Arizona Corporation Commission has taken a stand in preserving the flow of the free market by declining to allow a solar cost recovery program to be run by utility monopolies, Arizona Public Service (APS) and Tucson Electric Power (TEP).
Fraunhofer ISE Plug and Play system to bring down costs in USA
Fraunhofer ISE
Fraunhofer Institute for Sustainable Energy Systems created a Plug and Play self-configuring system which will decrease the total amount of time needed when installing a complete PV system.
Electric cars worse than petrol predecessor?
Recent advancement in car technology has seen the rise of electric cars. Manufacturers market them as the future of automobile industry and the answer to lowering the high levels of carbon emissions currently being produced by their fossil fuel predecessor.
Subsidies cut in India’s solar industry to promote future growth
India solar subsidies
When it comes to India halving its solar subsidy program, opinions have been widespread and surprisingly, such news is actually being welcomed by certain groups within the renewable industry.