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India soon to see power revolution with new solar energy policy
power revolution solar energy policy
The state of Haryana, based in Northern India has started making real progress towards going solar with new government energy policy. All buildings with a footprint of 418 square metres or more are now required to install this rooftop solar power system installation by September 2015.
Consolidated Edison Proposes $1B Worth Of Upgrades To Substations
During December 2014, New York took a small step towards the city’s vision of turning utility companies into operators of distributed client-centric power grid assets. The decision is now left up to Consolidated Edison, in order to prove that it can indeed utilise the power of the new assets in a timely manner, and of course, at an affordable rate.
Projects Funded By The Department Of Energy To Further Sustainable Energy
In order to drastically improve energy efficiency, the Energy Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) has pledged $60 million towards the funding of 22 new and contemporary projects.
AW-Energy and Lloyd’s Register Energy WaveRoller collaboration
Finnish technology developers AW-Energy has decided to commercialise its WaveRoller™ technology. Mid-August 2014, the company went on to sign a Framework agreement with the independent certification organisation, Lloyd’s Register Energy.
Solar Cell Model Released By National Renewable Energy Laboratory
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory, within the Department of Energy has announced a presentation of a 45.7% conversion efficiency regarding a four-junction solar cell at 234 times the sun’s concentration.
Scotland solar industry flourishes experiencing 6900% increase
Solar Industry
Scotland’s solar capacity has risen by almost 1/3 within the past year according to new statistics that have been released. With more than 35,000 homes and close to 600 businesses that have installed solar photovoltaic systems, it seems as though solar panel power is the way of the future.
Fossil Fuel Loses Price War Against Solar and Wind Energy
The solar and wind industries have long dreamt of producing energy at a price that is equal to the cost of energy sourced from fossil fuel.
Pope Francis To Weigh In On Climate Change Prior To Paris Summit
Pope Francis has influenced and changed the stuffy thought patterns normally associated to the Vatican, has aided in defrosting relations between the USA and Cuba and now has set his sights set on bringing to action a decision regarding climate change.
Solar Industry Still Fighting As Big Energy Scrambles To Stay On Top
With the effects of climate change become more and more apparent, this political delay is wasting time the world does not have. Necessary precautions are needed to stop these delays and it is time to name-and-shame those who contribute.