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Concentrated solar power to revamp China’s energy production
energy production Solar power
China is on its way to becoming one of the world’s most prominent leaders in renewable energy and now Damin Glass is helping in taking the country to the next level.
Solar plus storage could soon roll out across remote Australia
The new normal in Australia’s wide open spaces is solar plus storage. This renewable direction seems to be the natural progression which remote and rural areas would take as it can be very costly, and therefore not profitable for the grid to connect these people to its electricity network.
Ocean energy turbines developed by technology giant Toshiba
ocean energy turbines Toshiba
When it comes to renewable energy technology, most of the attention goes to solar power and wind turbines. However, a new project spearheaded by Toshiba involves the installation of several ocean energy turbines off the Kuroshio Current in the North Pacific Ocean.
Solar power already popular with Uros indigenous tribes
Solar power has long been a source of power for Peru’s Uros people. This indigenous people of Peru live on more than 50 artificial floating islands on Lake Titicaca and lead simple lives which consist of fishing and craftsmanship.
Economists disagree with Environment Minister over Carbon Tax
carbon tax
Ever since the Australian Government dropped the carbon tax policy – also known as carbon pricing – and switched to emissions trading, Environment Minister Greg Hunt won’t acknowledge that economists were right about the efficiency of the older policy.
Renewable energy investment improvements with GreenPower
GreenPower Renewable Energy
Renewable energy is becoming increasingly popular with Australians as research into climate change becomes more widespread. In fact, Government are now encouraging the public to contribute to the nation’s renewable energy investment through GreenPower.
Solar energy industry continues to develop advanced technology
Solar Energy
As the Australian solar energy industry continues to grow and research in the field expands with it, the cost of the renewable energy technology decreases.
Solar carpark another step towards a greener future
green Queensland solar solar park
Ballina in Australia, while also being the first to introduce a solar-powered public electric vehicle (EV) charging station, recently launched a 45kW solar carpark despite an increasingly anti-renewable political environment.
Green renewable energy and Australia’s lack of commitment
Green renewable energy
While Australia is a co-founder of the Cartagena Dialogue for Progressive Action on green renewable energy, the country has maintained considerable distance from the other co-founders.