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Oil investors could lose trillions after increased climate change policies 

  Fossil Fuel

The Bank of England and an announcement from Germany’s largest power company could cost oil investors trillions of dollars. As governments adapt more stringent climate policies, there is a strong possibility that oil investors could lose out on trillions of dollars’ worth of coal, gas and oil deposits which could then become stranded government assets.


Jeff Seeney at odds with Moreton Bay Regional Council over climate change

  Climate change moreton bay regional council

Jeff Seeney, the Queensland Deputy Premier, has just announced a legal order for the Moreton Bay Regional Council to effectively remove any and all references to climate change-based sea level rise from the regional plan.


Climate Feedback app allows climate change experts to fact check news

  Climate change Climate Feedback

Climate change is all over the news, but just how reliable are the facts and figures the media toss around? Now with a new Climate Feedback app, it’s possible for scientists to hold journalists accountable for reports made about global warming.


Climate Change Performance Index find Australia underperforming

  Climate change

The recent Climate Change Performance Index finds Australia to be the second worst country out of the 61 covered in this global report. After being ranked at 40th in 2012, the country has managed, or mismanaged, climate change issues to such an extent that we now are recognised for our unsustainable policies.


UK wind industry not popular with PM David Cameron

  David Cameron UK wind industry

In a surprising moment at the House of Commons in the middle of December last year, David Cameron made a remark about the UK wind industry that would be best described as ignorant.


Future energy sources in Australia increasingly favour renewables

  Renewable Energy solar

A recent future energy poll reveals a massive 80 per cent of Australians strongly support solar and wind energy. As a result, these two renewable sources were included in the top three energy options according to the Australia Institute.


Rooftop solar PV installations reaches 3GW in Australia

  solar solar panel solar PV installation

A staggering 3 GW of rooftop solar PV systems have been installed in Australia over the past few years. The figures were released by the Clean Energy Regulator, the organization tasked with the supervision of renewable energy projects in Australia.


Rooftop solar power squeezes profit out of coal power

  coal Rooftop Solar Power solar

In a brief moment, rooftop solar power negatively changed electricity prices in Queensland. Currently known for its extensive use of coal power which provides more than 80 per cent of its electricity, Australia will someday be more known for its use of solar power.


Coal industry fights to open new mega mines in Galilee Basin

  coal Galilee Basin

While there is a near global effort currently being exerted around the world to contain and reduce carbon emissions, the Queensland Government and the coal industry rally to unlock nine new mega coal mines in the Galilee Basin.