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Brookfarm Bakehouse solar installation largest in NSW

  Brookfarm Bakehouse Solar Installation

Brookfarm, one of the most recognizable food manufacturers not only because of their products but also due to their multiple awards, recently unveiled the largest installation of rooftop solar panels in Byron Bay, New South Wales.


Historic Iron Pot Lighthouse has recently undergone a solar revamp

  Iron Pot Lighthouse solar

Competitors in the Sydney to Hobart yacht race will quickly pass by one of the most iconic figures in Australian history, the Iron Pot Lighthouse. It lighthouse stands not only as one of Australia’s historic beacons in its rich nautical history but is also a significant figure in solar power too.


Climate Change Authority releases RET report

  Climate change RET

A newly released report and review regarding the Australian Renewable Energy Target was released by the Australian Climate Change Authority. The said report clearly advises against the Federal Government’s move to slash or scale back the 2020 RET of 41,000 GHw.


Solar PV manufacturer SunEdison acquires Energy Matters

  Energy Matters solar Solar power Sunedison

One of the largest solar PV manufacturer and retailer in the United States, SunEdison, has recently acquired its Australian counterpart, Energy Matters, along with associated companies SunLock and Apollo Energy.


Green Climate Fund receives funds from Abbott Government

  Green Climate Fund Tony Abbott

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has previously declined to contribute to the Green Climate Fund, calling it a “Bob Brown bank on an international scale”. However, Mr.


Carbon price removal leads to rise in Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions

  Carbon price

A recent analysis about the National Electricity Market (NEM) reveals that greenhouse gas emissions will rise approximately 9% in 2014 to 2015. The report was authored by Mike Sandiford of the University Melbourne energy department.


Greenhouse gas emissions drop due to carbon tax

  carbon tax greenhouse gases

The dramatic drop in greenhouse gas emissions was partially due to the implementation of the carbon tax, says the Greens and other environmental conservation groups. The statement strongly reflects the effectiveness that the carbon pricing system had, prior to being scrapped by the Abbott government in 2014.


Space-based solar power getting ready for the future

  space-based solar power

Recent initiatives were made by space scientists to develop space-based solar power. Many scientific minds have been tinkering around this concept since the 1940s partly due to Isaac Asimov’s idea about a robot-manned space station which can supply energy to the earth by way of microwaves.


Environmental failures committed by Tony Abbott

  Environmental failures Tony Abbott

Ever since his election to the office of Prime Minister, Tony Abbott has been riding low in most of the country’s opinion polls. He is now regarded as the least popular prime minister in twenty five years.