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Affordable solar power from Africa to power homes in the UK by 2018

  power homes Solar power

If plans are not scuttled, African solar panels will supply electricity to millions of homes in the United Kingdom. A project has recently been launched that could see African solar panels exported to the UK.


LDK Solar declares bankruptcy

  LDK Solar solar wafer

LDK Solar, the world’s largest maker of solar wafers by capacity, has declared bankruptcy on its US operations due to its more than $1 billion dollar unpaid debt.


Big US companies give solar discounts as new employee benefits

  incentives solar US

4 major US companies are giving solar discounts to their employees as part of their new employee benefits. Cisco, 3M, Kimberly-Clark and the National Geographic Society are offering their employees the opportunity to install solar panels at discounted rates under a new program.


Strange jewellery harvests energy from blood flow

  blood flow energy harvesting

There is a new, although odd jewellery that you can connect to your blood veins and enable you to harvest energy from the blood flowing in your body.


More jobs and bigger savings if Victoria goes solar, says CEC


CEC issues a new report revealing the ease by which the government of Victoria can save millions of dollars and increase the number of jobs if it turns to solar energy and tweak its current policy settings.

Rooftop solar systems: why utility companies consider them a threat

  solar systems

According to a report from Eclareon, a consulting firm for renewable energy in Europe, grid parity has been reached by solar energy. Simply put, buying electricity for consumption from the main grid costs about the same cost as owning and maintaining a rooftop solar system.


Solar plant at parliament house in Islamabad

  Islamabad Solar Plant

In a determined effort to tackle Pakistan’s increasing frequency of power cuts, the government is set to install a solar power plant in its Parliament House.


Patagonia and partner Kina’ole Capital Partners’ Hawaiian solar power installation progress increases


Patagonia’s $13 million tax equity in investment for Hawaii’s solar power will utilize both federal and state tax credits for the company’s purchases of solar power systems.


Going off the grid or making lifestyle changes? get the zero energy one home

  Residential SOLETA Zero Energy One Home

If your preference is for a sustainable home, SOLETA is the perfect house for you. Designed by Catalin Butmalai, this house powers itself with wind and solar energy.