Over the past three years, Australia’s electricity prices have risen by an average of 35 per cent across the country.
The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) estimates that average national prices will jump a further 37 per cent by 2014.
Paul Yako, director of Solar Bright, said one of the most efficient ways to reduce your electricity bill is to generate your own electricity with solar panels.
Mr Yako said that depending on your home and lifestyle, these products could reduce up to 40 per cent of your electricity bill, giving you the best incentive to install solar power.
“Installing solar electricity system and solar hot water is no longer a luxury but a necessity towards becoming energy self reliant considering the increase in electricity prices,” he said.
Many solar water heaters use 50 to 90 per cent less energy than electric water heaters.
Another energy saving device is the skylight. Skylights can light up dark areas like hallways, stairwells or rooms which are normally so dark they require electricity to be switched on during the day.
With diffusers and specially designed domes, they capture the light and spread it evenly across the dark space, saving you tad cost of electricity and bringing daylight into your home.
Before installing solar powered products in the home Mr Yako recommends customers do some research.
“Customers should look at the track record of the company they want to deal with,” he said.
“Lately we have seen a number of fly-by-night operators come in and leave homeowners with a product they do not know how to get repaired if something goes wrong.”
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