The Greens are calling on the Bega Valley Shire Council on the New South Wales far south coast to capitalise on the emerging renewable energy market.

Greens Upper House Member, John Kaye, was in the region yesterday to support the party’s candidates for next month’s local government poll.

Mr Kaye says small and large scale renewable energy projects would reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as bring jobs.

He says the Bega Valley is in a good position to reap the economic and environmental benefits from green energy generation.

“The New South Wales Government dropped the ball on roof top solar panels and we still have a long way to go,” Mr Kaye said.

“Bega Council could very easily become a buyer and retailer of roof top solar panels to help people make that transition to a zero carbon footprint for their houses.

“That brings with it a lot of reduction in reliance on expensive transmission and distribution lines which in the long run will bring down power bills.”

by ABC News