Tuggeranong will soon be home to a new solar farm after a proposal was submitted to the ACT Planning and Land Authority earlier this year.
The 2 megawatt, $5 million project will sit on 19 hectares of land off Mugga Lane south of Canberra and built by Zhefna Solar Power.
Block 1677 could also to be the home of a new cemetery and crematorium, however there will be a significant distance between the two juxtaposed developments.
A report submitted by developers with the proposal identified two Aboriginal artefact sites in the development area after a search of the ACT Heritage Register.
The report suggests a need for testing and archaeological excavation be conducted.
“The nature and extent of any subsurface archaeological deposits and their significance, both scientific and cultural,” read the report.
”If unanticipated Aboriginal objects are identified during construction works, work must cease and the site be assessed by an archaeologist in consultation with the relevant local Aboriginal stakeholders,” the report read.
Previous development proposals for the Tuggeranong land have been stonewalled after local residents rallied to save the area and its Aboriginal connections.
The solar farm development, unlike others, is able to operate without harming the land or buried artefacts.