Solar brokers have emerged on the internet over the last few years as a result of the international solar energy boom. They attempt to provide a service that offers customers an objective national comparison of solar panel installation services. Solar brokers aim to connect their customers with solar panel installers who offer the best service and price on solar panel installations in their area.

Solar brokers provide their clients with a number of services regarding solar PV systems both commercially and residentially. Customers employing the services of solar brokers are provided with the information needed to understand the benefits of solar PV systems and how they operate. Solar brokers then compile multiple quotes for solar panel installation from installers in their customers area, and develop a personalised solar report with quote comparisons.

Benefits of Using a Solar Broker

Solar brokers offer a free service that offer informative solar PV installation quotes and professional guidance for homes and businesses. They eliminate the need for their clients to acquire quotes, and work with clients to find an installer and solar system that suits their needs. Frequently owners of businesses and homes  do not consider installing solar systems as they do not have the time to contact installers directly and compare quotes. They subsequently miss out on the financial and practical advantages of solar panel installation. Solar brokers can assist by providing their clients with all the information required to make a decision based on price and quality in one single report. These reports provide financial analysis, solar system comparisons, take into account utility rates, as well as national and state rebates and tariffs. 

Disadvantages of using a Solar Broker

Employing the services of inexperienced solar brokers may put clients at risk of being given a report that does not take into account their customers financial situation, the correct products for their needs, installation specifications, or rebates and tariffs offered by government bodies.

Seeking the services of solar brokers in the current market can be beneficial. Government rebates and the popularity of Solar PV systems as an energy conscious alternative to traditional energy sources has resulted in decreased system and installation prices for businesses and property owners.  Solar brokers can provide their clients with quote comparisons across the market and find a system and installer that suits their needs.