Pope Francis has influenced and changed the stuffy thought patterns normally associated to the Vatican, has aided in defrosting relations between the USA and Cuba and now has set his sights set on bringing to action a decision regarding climate change. 2015 will be the year that Pope Francis will release an inspiring messages regarding climate change to the 1.2 billion Catholics the world over.

He will also address the UN general assembly and call for a summit to the world’s main religions. The reason for the following actions will lead up to the fact that the forward thinking Pope Francis wishes to influence the UN climate summit taking place in Paris during 2015.

This summit will attempt to conclude almost 20 years of terse negotiations of a commitment in order to reduce CO2 emissions.

Pope Francis times climate message to influence UN summit

The reason for a calling of the world’s leaders of all main religions will be in order to make people aware of the fragile state of the world’s climate as well as the fact that social exclusions are holding back those that wish to make a positive difference.

Pope Francis plans to publish a rare encyclical on climate change as well as human ecology following a visit to the Philippine city of Tacloban during 2012. This city was hit by typhoon Haiyan. This encyclical will aim to inspire all Catholics to take a moral and scientific stand regarding climate change.

The past few months, Pope Francis has urged for a newer economic and financial system in order to rectify human inequality as well as further ecological destruction.

“The monopolising of lands, deforestation, the appropriation of water, inadequate agro-toxics are some of the evils that tear man from the land of his birth. Climate change, the loss of biodiversity and deforestation are already showing their devastating effects in the great cataclysms we witness,” Pope Francis said, at a meeting held in October 2014 of American and Asian landless peasants as well as various other social movements.

The is great anticipation regarding the pope’s encyclical, where supports are committed in ensuring that their MPs understand that climate change is affecting everyday life, especially those in poorer communities.

Right-wing churches upset by the Pope’s environmentalist actions

Francis’s position regarding climate change has not been without resistance and criticism from right-wing churches and even those conservatives found within the Vatican. Though most of his supporters understand that there will always be that small percentage of people who will oppose and take offence to such radical environmentalism. Most of those angered by the pope’s encyclical are very vocal about their feelings and have some political clout. Many Catholics oppose the idea, as they feel Pope Francis shouldn’t get involved in political issues, as it’s outside he’s field of understanding.

Having a papal encyclical is a very rare occurrence and is a huge deal to all, both those that are threatened by it and those that will delight in it, though the paper is mostly based on science and economics rather that morality.

Those opposed to Pope Francis are mostly backed by the powerful evangelical movement found in the USA who declares the US environmental movement as unholy and a fraudulent religion.

Photo by: Catholic Church England and Wales