Yingli Green Energy Holding Company Limited (known as “Yingli Green Energy” or “The Green Company”) is one of the leading manufacturers of solar panels around the globe. Being such a power player within the industry, Yingli has also taken steps in order to reduce the amount of CO2 emissions released due to its membership commitments within the World Wide Fund and the Nature’s Climate Savers project.

Yingli joined the WWF Climate Savers Programme within China during 2013. This WFF Programme aiming to provide a platform for the business industry to engage about climate change and energy.

After surveying the company’s energy consumption, Yingli Green decided to set a target goal of emission reductions through to the end of 2015 based on their GHG emission levels during 2010.

Yingli Green Energy exceeds greenhouse gas reduction target

According to data released by an internal inspection report, Yingli Green Energy has announced that they have exceeded their greenhouse has reduction target. This is an achievement of epic proportions especially within the energy sector itself.

The internal report has stated that Yingli’s Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission intensity reductions per megawatt of solar panel production levels were at an average of 22% during 2013. The initial target set by the company in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions intensity was 13% by the end of 2015.

Yingli has confirmed that it has also lowered GHG emissions from their goods purchased as well as on their services per megawatt of PV modules production levels by about 12%, compared to the first target set of 7%.

Furthermore, they have also lowered GHG emissions from upstream transport by 17% compared to the initial target laid out of just 10%.

Solar power assists Yingli in surpassing CO2 emission reduction goal

In order to achieve these phenomenal reduction statistics, Yingli has stated that they have installed solar power systems to supply the electricity needed for its PV modules of production plants within the Baoding Headquarters, Tianjin, Hengshui and various other facilities owned by the company.

At the end of 2013, the PV projects which had been invested in by Yingli were estimated to have generated almost 167.85 GWh of clean energy each year. The solar panels installed at their facilities are able to produce 39.3 GWh of power needed each year, which is the same as 4.05% of the total energy consumption of the company’s 2013 stats. Once again, this number has exceeded the target set out at 4% (to be accomplished only at the end of 2015).

Yingli seen a leader in the WWF Climate Savers Programme in China

“As the first member company of WWF Climate Savers Programme in China, Yingli has successfully gone beyond its emission reduction targets, and shows its leadership through practical actions. WWF will continue to partner with Chinese companies to address climate change, and to promote more companies to be leaders of the low- carbon economy,” said Ms. Winnie Lu, Climate & Energy Program Director of WWF.

Such results and dedication has proved that reducing greenhouse gas emissions is one of the company’s important objectives, even on a corporate level. The company’s Headquarters have shipped about 10GW of their solar panels, of approximately 40 million modules, to clients the world over.

“As a leading global renewable energy company, Yingli is dedicated to the pursuit of green, low-carbon manufacturing and business operations while providing clean energy for all,” Mr. Jingfeng Xiong, Vice President and Chief Climate Officer of Yingli Green Energy.

Photo by: WWF International Photo Coverage for Climate COP17 on Flickr