Throughout the start of the 21st century, old box televisions were slowly replaced by flat-screen TVs and the period of touch screen phones began to slowly rise. A similar technology revolution can be seen in the energy sector with fossil fuels making way for cleaner options such as solar energy.

Solar energy has grown rapidly as these high-tech innovations become part of people’s everyday routines. Solar power in Arizona shot up to 142% in the past three years. At this rate, the actions being taken are sufficient to hit the goal of 25% solar energy in Arizona – an objective previously assumed to be ambitious, yet now easily attainable.

Solar energy continues upward trend in United States

The latest report by Environment Arizona Research & Policy Centre entitled “Star Power: the Growing Role of Solar Energy in Arizona,” indicates that escalation of the renewable solar energy could reduce speed to 20% and solar energy would nonetheless endow 25% of power in the succeeding decades.

As conflicts over net metering, advert solar financing, and the state’s renewable solar energy standard turn out to be conventional in the Capitol as well as at the Arizona Corporation Commission, this is a precarious discovery. Moreover, all officials ought to maintain the speed of growth to attain a substantial quantity of solar energy and must not cease unless achieved.

Solar is growing. Indeed, a current Gallup poll found that majority ranks solar as the finest choice for energy development in the nation state. Altogether, 87% of Democrats and 68% of Republicans decided that they must stress more on solar.

Strengthening climate change research contributes to solar energy boom

Scientists have never been more convinced about the case of global warming and says will only get worse if we do not take a step towards change now. Heightening solar energy power production is more crucial than ever. In the city of Arizona, effects of it have already been discernible like the wildfires brought by the drought that usually happens only occurs during summer.

As a resolution, Arizona, in a bid to accomplish 25% solar energy use would drop as much carbon pollution equivalent to 2.8 million car emissions in a year, must exploit its immense solar resources to climate change. This will shift Arizona to more than midway to the target set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan, which entails reductions in power plant carbon pollution of 52%. This will benefit not only the environment but the economy as well.

Solar energy industry boom benefiting the economy as well as the environment

Currently the fastest-growing industry in the country, this industry adds 143,000 jobs nationwide. Conferring to a recent solar job poll from the Solar Foundation, they employed more than 8,500 citizens in Arizona in the past year. Arizona is homeland to more than 800,000 domestic and industrial rooftops and has adequate technical latent to meet the state’s energy demands 320 times over.

Leading us on the path to 100% clean energy which is needed for the health of the planet, 25% solar seems very attainable, but it would render a massive change in the future. By then, people will be writing about the oddity of phones hanging on the wall and the infinite amount of energy obtained from the sun.