President Obama and the White House have just launched the Climate Literacy Initiative to ensure citizens and students are educated regarding climate change. Many Americans are not fully aware about the scientific facts surrounding climate change and the efforts that the world is doing to fight it.
Some people simply do not understand the ramifications of climate change and surprisingly, some others still believe it to be a hoax. The Obama Administration has been active in trying to promote the use of renewable energy technology such as solar and wind power in an effort to cut down on carbon emissions and to help the country live on green energy that is cheaper and safer to use.
Progress, as stated by the Climate Education and Literacy Initiative, will depend on future citizens and leaders who are well-aware regarding the facts of climate change. City planners, engineers, community leaders, and future entrepreneurs are given the responsible to study and seek solutions for the future.
White House promotes sustainable behavior in future leaders
However, many places are moving against this. In Texas there is the “Truth in Texas Textbooks” coalition. This group intends on teaching global warming as a “controversial opinion” instead of teaching it as a scientific fact.
These coalitions push publishers into removing any content in textbooks referring to climate change as a fact. Many members of these coalitions are trying to publish their own textbooks that state climate change and man-caused global warming are nothing to worry about.
In order to combat this and properly educate students regarding climate change, the White House initiative is to provide more learning opportunities, better scientific resources for teachers, provide climate-related training and job development, as well as informal education opportunities.
Proper education number one priority for White House Climate Change Iniatives
Included in this White House project is the “Climate Change for Senior Executive Leaders” which aims to educate and train over 100 federal government leaders in the next year. This 2015 project will educate members in federal agencies regarding climate change.
The National Park Service is also conducting its National Climate Change Interpretive Plan which is designed to train employees and volunteers on how to engage with the nearly 270 million visitors to the park per year regarding climate change.
Another project is being launched by the Alliance for Climate Education. This project will educate over 150,000 high school students all across the country using interactive mediums, videos, and more.
Younger generation the major focus of White House global warming programs
There are many other projects that fall under the wing of the White House Climate Literacy Initiative and all of them are geared to educating the masses about climate change, what humans are doing to affect it, and what changes need to be done to slow it down and make the environment better.
This will include demonstrations and lectures regarding the coal and fossil fuel industry, solar technology, and wind technology. People will be educated on how these all work, how they affect the economy, and how they affect the global climate.
The Climate Literacy Initiative is also being geared specifically towards the younger generation because it is the younger adults that will soon take the mantle and shape the future of the country.