The Chinese market are a significant portion of the total sales of plug-in cars around the world. As technology improves and prices decrease, consumers are switching over to an electric vehicle like never before. In fact, if early sales figures continue the way they are going, China is poised to surpass the United States.

The most recent research in plug-in cars had indicated that the latest increase in sales is a result of consumer trends.  The research reveals that the Chinese buyers are known to be more open-minded when it comes to buying electric vehicles than their American counterpart.

Plug-in cars market proves more successful in China

The study was conducted by researchers from companies like Ford, Carnegie Mellon University, and Drexel University and involved comparisons on hybrids, gasoline engine cars, plug-in cars, and electric vehicles in the United States and China using 2012 and 2013 survey data.

Results of the study showed that the American consumers have little interest in buying plug-in cars when compared to the Chinese. Researchers believe that this is because of proven patterns in the Chinese way of life.

For one, more than half of Chinese consumers are known first-time buyers, hence they are not that favourable of gas power-engined car, compared to U.S consumers who actually own a number of them already.

Consumers in China more inclined to purchase renewable alternative

It is also common for Chinese buyers to own electric bicycles. Hence, they are already familiar to the recharging concept. This is found to be quite the opposite as far as the Americans are concerned.

Unfortunately, China is still lacking when it comes to its charging infrastructure. Still, it has a robust network of national passenger railroads, which means an existing alternative for long trips that travellers would ultimately need a vehicle for in the U.S.

While experts observe better potential for the adoption of plug-in cars and electric vehicles in China, researchers believe that it will not have as big of an impact on the environment of the country as it is expected to have in the United States.

China urged to expediate green energy policies to maximise return

In order to maximize the benefit of using plug-in cars, it is a must that China shifts to the use of cleaner sources of energy. China has plans of providing attractive long-term incentives to those who adopt electric cars and has also restricted traditional car sales.  These most recent actions of the Chinese government predicted to dramatically increase sales of plug-in cars.

Photo courtesy of Richard Fisher on Flickr