In order to save the planet, we need to put a stop to global warming.
Sounds drastic, but it’s true- and we only have around 30 years to do it.
Vast droughts, rising sea levels, ecosystem damage, extreme weather events and threatened harvests are all a result of global warming, and the effects are only going to get more severe.
Scientific evidence has proved time and time again that global warming is in fact a man-made problem, due to carbon emissions that have been increasing since the 19th century industrial era.
The Paris Conference of Parties indicated that we should be worried about climate change, with 120 countries joining the global solar alliance, an international effort to increase renewable energy (and thus reduce fossil fuel usage) around the world.
But there is some good news- it is achievable. And you can help!
The significance and vastness of this issue may make you want to look in the other direction, as you may think there is nothing you, one person, can do to help.
This isn’t true. This is a man-made problem, and we can all do our part to help make it right.
By making small every decisions, you can play a surprising large role is helping the climate change battle.
Here are 4 ways to help global warming:
Caring as a consumer
Being environmentally friendly as a consumer and taking climate change into account as a factor affecting your purchasing decision can have great benefits.
Simple things, such as choosing energy smart LEDs next time you replace your light bulbs can reduce carbon emissions, and many of these ‘green’ choices are also cost-effective options.
There are also more dramatic measure you can take, such as purchasing an electric vehicle. Really, who wouldn’t want to drive the new Tesla or BMW i8 model? If these are a little too pricey, there are more affordable options on the market that will still help you do your bit for the environment, as well as save you money on fuel.
Other preferences such as diet and travel forms can have a powerful impact.
Eating red meat contributes to carbon emissions, as the production of it produces more greenhouse gases than all means of transport emissions combined.
Choosing to travel by less polluting means of transport (taking the train over flying) also makes a big impact.
Caring as a voter
This one’s pretty simple. Making climate change a focal point when making political decisions can have vast effects. Climate change is a controversial topic among politicians, and as a voter, you have the power to voice your opinion on climate change, and you should do so.
If you are really passionate, there are many activist groups that would love you to join them, or simply just make yourself heard on social media!
Caring as an investor
Investors have tremendous power over our economy, as well as companies.
Investment choices are crucial, as transitioning into a low carbon economy will need a change in building as well as the way infrastructure is used- all which is driven by investment.
For example, a sovereign wealth fund in Norway has chosen to remove their capital from companies that contribute to climate change, and move it to climate-smart companies.
Another powerful move is to invest in green startup companies. This a proactive rather than reactive move, which could be a revolutionary change.
Caring as a professional
Global warming contribution is playing an increasing role in how people choose their workplace, and how companies can attract valuable employees.
Although it may seem you working for a “bad” company does not make any difference to their contribution to climate change, it’s important to think about the bigger picture, and what you are supporting by working there.
If you’re thinking about starting your own company, this is also something to think about.
Due to increased knowledge, younger generations are attracted to the field of renewables (as it is clearly the way of the future) so investing in energy efficient business practices will make you a more desirable company to work for, as well as do business with.
Photo courtesy of Lesserland{.new}