One of the benefits of solar power is that there is very little maintenance required. Once installed the solar panels should function properly for at least two decades.

Solar panels are effective in converting the sun’s energy into power, but only if they’re clean. Airborne particles, leaves and other objects can affect the solar panels, and this will result in power loss because the dirt reduces their capacity for absorbing energy. These panels are made up of solar cells, and if they are dirty, sunlight won’t be absorbed and the panels won’t generate the electricity your home needs.

The energy loss will depend on the amount of dirt that has built up on your panels. While some people may disregard the grime and dirt build up, it has been estimated that the resulting energy loss can reach 25% to 30%. In other words it can be very substantial and the longer you leave the matter unattended the bigger the problem will be.

While soap and water may be used, they are not as effective as you’d think. There’s also the fact that solar panels are electrical systems, and applying soap and water may cause damage. As many experts have pointed out, it’s better to get a cleaning product designed specifically for solar panels.

How ClearShield works on solar panels

ClearShield was specially formulated for solar panel cleaning. Unlike other products, ClearShield is a unique polymeric resin that when applied to the solar panels, bonds with the material chemically. In addition, ClearShield has non-hazardous properties, is UV stable and chemically inert. Ritec has also pointed out that ClearShield isn’t like regular coating because it doesn’t crack, peel or flake.

If the aftercare programme is followed, ClearShield will function like brand new glass for several years. The glass itself is made using a special procedure known as the ClearShield System.

What you end up with is a ClearShield Low M (low maintenance) glass that keeps contaminants from sticking to the surface. This is very important because it will prevent dirt from building up and reducing the system’s capacity for absorbing energy. Secondly ClearShield limits the damage that chemicals and corrosion may inflict on the panels.

The application of ClearShield may be done on-site or following the solar panels’ importation. Regardless of where it is applied, ClearShield protected glass, according to Ritec, will be easier to maintain and clean. In addition, the material is resistant to discolouration and staining, increasing its lifespan in the process.

According to Ritec, ClearShield will keep your solar panels cleaner for a longer period. Furthermore it adds value to glass fabricators and provides a different type of renovation solution for surfaces that are already in place.

There are many kinds of solar panel cleaning products, but ClearShield is different because it is designed for non-stick glass and made from high-quality materials. It makes panels easier to clean without affecting clarity and visibility. With it, there’s no longer any need to use harsh chemicals that might damage your solar panels.