Exciting times ahead for Queenslanders as Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk launched a $300 million QLD Renewable Energy Plan and promises to keep assets in public hands as a new election is imminent. Each household will receive $50 rebate on their bill every year for two years from 2018, while price increases will run alongside the average rise of inflation.
Over 100,000 families will be eligible for a rebate of up to $300 on energy efficient appliances such as air conditioners, fridges, washing machines. Ms Palaszczuk has also released that dividends from the state’s publicly owned energy assets had previously been used to reduce the debt and fix other services, but times have changed and it’s time to reinvest these dividends back into Queensland families using the new QLD Renewable Energy Plan. “I am the only premier across Australia that can take this action,” she said on Sunday, referring to the fact only the Sunshine State had retained control of its power stations, poles and wires.
“This week I will be calling them in for a meeting and if they do not pass on the savings through to consumers I will introduce a Queensland company owned by Queenslanders and I will take the customers from them,” she said. Former premier Peter Beattie sold the retail arms of Ergon and Energex in 2006 following advice that prices would go down because of market competition. Ms Palaszczuk said she had been informed and she had the authority to pull the trigger.
Queenslanders will welcome this with open arms to help take the pressure off our already over inflated energy prices.