Believe it or not, the technology behind solar power isn’t that new.  In fact, not much has changed with solar power technology in the past 45 years.

Although the technology has not changed, other factors have, one being the affordability of solar and the price of solar panels and components.

We have ourselves to thank for this, as it is a direct result of the recent international acceptance of solar power and other renewable energy technologies. These days it’s known as the 21st century solar boom, or as others may call it, the 21st century solar coaster.

What caused the Solar Boom?

  • “The acceptance and recognition of global warming, now known as climate change.”

Yes, climate change is one theory. Another hard to miss theory is the rising cost of electricity. The exponential demand for energy neared its limits in the 21st century, forcing the Earth’s population as a whole to source more affordable alternatives to fossil fuel. This was great for the solar industry, as it led to the injection of billions of dollars into the development, growth, and sustainability of solar power technology.

Is peaking energy demand and dependence only to blame?

Of course not!

Come on guys! We can’t sweep climate change under the rug, especially after all of its hard work building the transition to renewable energy.

How does solar power work?

  • Solar power is energy harnessed from the sun


Solar Panels are designed to capture the sun’s ultraviolet rays and generate a DC (Direct Current) before being converted to an AC (Alternating Current). This phenomenon happens thanks to the solar inverter. For residential solar installations, inverters are mounted on a wall next to the power box, or for extra security, in the garage or laundry.

For those who, like most of my friends and family, do not know what DC or AC means, allow us to simplify it for you. DC is an unsafe current of electricity, and AC is a safe current of electricity. AC is what all homes, offices, and workplaces use for everyday appliances such as fridges, radios, computers, and phone chargers. In fact, pretty much everything that plugs into the wall needs AC power. A lot of appliances can transfer AC back to a DC, however the voltage is a lot lower and therefore safer with AC power.

Want to learn some interesting facts about ACDC? Then check out this awesome article that one of our energy gurus put together.

Let’s recap the basics

  • “It’s really not that complicated, unless you’re a politician of course!”

Rooftop Solar

Step 1

Rooftop solar panels capture light from the Sun

Solar Panels

Step 2

The solar panels react to the sunlight creating DC power

Solar Inverter

Step 3

The solar inverter converts the power from DC to AC

Step 1+2+3

=Free Solar Power

Why choose solar power?

How do you know what size solar power system you need? Or how much money to spend, how many solar panels are needed, and who you can trust to provide you with independent and reliable information?

That’s where Australian Solar Quotes comes in!

We have constructed an easy-to-read solar power buyer’s guide that covers everything you will need to know for your journey to free solar power. Please browse through our website and become familiar, while you wait for your free solar power quotes.

  1. Do your homework
  2. Grid connect solar vs. stand-alone solar panels
  3. How many solar panels do you need?
  4. What direction should your solar panels face?
  5. What time do solar panels work?
  6. How do solar panels work?
  7. What is an inverter and why do I need one?
  8. How are the solar panels installed on the roof?
  9. How to get the most from your solar panels
  10. Your responsibilities as a buyer

Next: Do your homework

  • There are a few things to keep in mind when buying solar panels. Read about it here.


What our viewers are saying

  • We’ve helped over 15,000 Australians switch to solar power. Join the rooftop revolution!.

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