How to choose a solar installer

Choosing the right solar installer on your own may be a little more difficult. You will be exposed to many different services, business models, sales reps and prices.

But how do you know which company to go with?

The Government is renowned for kicking off these energy saving grants which can attract the good and the bad.

But rest assured, the goods far out weigh the bad in the regulated solar market. And this is thanks to the Clean Energy Council (CEC), and the Office of Renewable Energy Regulator (ORER). Their tough guidelines and installation practices along side the individually tested and approved solar panels and inverters build confidence with Australian consumers.  The general rule of thumb is, “If its too good to be true, then it more than likely is”.

Thanks to Australian Solar Quotes, you can do your home work.  Below we’ve listed a couple of things you should check out to help with your decision:

The basics on solar

Before you dive into your solar adventure, learn the basics. It will come in handy when your talking to sales reps or solar consultants.

Solar company reviews

Check out what other customers have to say about their chosen solar company.  Read the reviews and see how they rated.

The cost to go solar

Most companies offer a similar system, similar service and a similar price.  Get free quotes and compare the differences so see what benefits suit your needs.

The cost to go solar

Most companies offer a similar system, similar service and a similar price.  Get free quotes and compare the differences so see what benefits suit your needs.

Buyers guide to solar power

Do your home work first.  Prepare your questions, know what you are looking for and how you want to go about the purchase.

Solar rebates and incentives

Solar rebates should be pretty similar across the board however may change state to state.  Check out what’s available in your state.