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AGL Energy
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AGL Hit By a $47M Loss On Closure Of Residential Solar Installation Business
AGL AGL Energy Andy Vesey ASX Brett Redman energy market residential solar Solar PVOn Tuesday, AGL Energy Ltd announced plans to cease its residential solar installation services, consequently recording losses amounting to $47 million in closure and write-down costs.
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Energy economics 101: why AGL got it wrong on solar subsidies
AGL Energy solar subsidiesElectricity rates is always a fun discussion. In Australia, it’s a hot topic and rightfully so considering that photovoltaics do have the ability to lead to creative destruction.
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AGL holds off on 1000MW gas-fired power station
AGL Energy Gas-fired power stationThis may be a win for the solar and renewables industry or it may be seen as a setback for the Australian economy and carbon tax.