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Better Battery Technology Allowing For Driver-Less Vehicle

  Battery Battery Technology electric vehicle EV OXIS

UK based company OXIS Energy Ltd are commissioning batteries to bring us one step closer to a driver-less car. The** **vehicle in question is the Meridian-Navya, which is a shuttle car.

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Lithium-ion battery increased charging speed of cell phones

  Battery cell phone lithium-ion battery

Researchers in Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University (NTU) have developed a lithium-ion battery that can charge up to 70% of power in a cell phone in – believe it or not – just two minutes.

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Electricity bill to dip with solar battery storage progress

  attery storage Battery Electricity

Solar battery storage costs are projected to become more affordable over the next few years. This is what many renewable experts believe is the gist of studies made by three of the most reputable investment banks in the world.

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Future Home Energy Battery Storage by Elon Musk

  Battery Elon Musk Energy

A future project as gargantuan as the $5bn gigafactory by Elon Musk can be overwhelming but as you will soon learn, there are numerous benefits and everything is on ground level.

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Water Based Batteries – Inexpensive and Powerful

  Battery water-based batteries

The drive to find the best renewable form of energy got a tremendous boost with the development of water based batteries. These water based batteries are not just for powering cell phones and electronic gadgets, mind you.