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Carbon Emission Reduction
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Scientists Say to Double Carbon Reductions as Banks Invest Billions More in Fossil Fuels
Carbon Emission Reduction Climate change Fossil Fuels Renewable EnergyThe connection between scientific research and government action appears to have a long way to go. Financial advocacy group Market Forces has revealed that the four major banks of Australia (Commonwealth, ANZ, NAB and Westpac) have approved funding for $5.
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Renewable Energy To Solve 2030 Emission Reduction Targets
Carbon Emission Reduction Paris Climate Conference Renewable EnergyThe International Renewable Energy Agency has revealed that increasing renewables to 36 percent of the global energy mix by 2030 would generate about half the emissions reductions needed to prevent global warming rising above 2 degrees celsius.
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Sydney Startup to Revolutionise Energy Usage in Australia
Carbon Emission Reduction CIM Environment Group Energy UsageAustralian start-up CIM Environmental Group has developed a software program that could save corporations millions of dollars on their energy bill. The Sydney startup promises to lower energy costs for big business, as well as carbon emissions using their sophisticated ACE Platform.