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Clean Technologies
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Australians want Liddell coal-fired power station shut down
Clean Energy Target policy clean technologies Renewable Energy renewable sourcesThe majority of Australians want the Turnbull Government to shut down the Liddell coal-fired power station, or as some call it ‘old lady Liddell’. According to a ReachTEL poll commissioned by the Climate Council, Australians were asked to state what would happen in case the NSW station’s impending closure finally takes place in 2022.
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Tesla Powerwall and solar cost-competitive with grid
Battery storage clean technologies Energy Powerwall 2.0 solarBruce Mountain, energy consultancy CME director claims the Tesla Powerwall 2.0 and rooftop solar panels can effectively make Australian homes cost-competitive with grid-powered homes. Mountain took a look at a hypothetical home in Adelaide, which he approximated would consume about 4,800 kilowatts hours of energy each year.