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Fossil Fuels Withold Power To Spike Electricity Prices in SA

  clean energy coal

A new study has revealed that fossil fuel generators could have withheld power at ‘strategic’ times in 2015, causing serious price spikes that led to a staggering $30.

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Mining industry companies named and shamed for pollution by ACF

  ACF coal mining industry

A report from the Australian Conservation Foundation shows that the mining industry is largely to be blamed for the country’s pollution levels. Through their research informed by the Clean Energy Regulator’s research, the ACF has identified 10 companies that are directly responsible for one third of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions.

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Coal industry suffers as demand falls short of supply


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Rooftop solar power squeezes profit out of coal power

  coal Rooftop Solar Power solar

In a brief moment, rooftop solar power negatively changed electricity prices in Queensland. Currently known for its extensive use of coal power which provides more than 80 per cent of its electricity, Australia will someday be more known for its use of solar power.

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Coal industry fights to open new mega mines in Galilee Basin

  coal Galilee Basin

While there is a near global effort currently being exerted around the world to contain and reduce carbon emissions, the Queensland Government and the coal industry rally to unlock nine new mega coal mines in the Galilee Basin.

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Abbot Point project stops as major US banks withdraw from project

  coal Tony Abott

The chances of the coal mining project at Abbot Point getting off the ground seems to be just wishful thinking because of the decision of major US money lenders to opt out of the project.

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Will Australia Remain Reliant on Coal?


Despite a global movement to shift away from it as the main source of fuel, the Australian government through Prime Minister Tony Abbott insists that coal is the future for Australia and that the country will remain a top exporter of the fossil fuel.

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How Prime Minister Tony Abbott is Championing Coal

  coal Tony Abbott

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott insists that coal will be the primary source of energy in the future even as many signs point to solar power as having that distinction.

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Dr Karl talks Global Warming

  coal Global Warming

Here’s a preview of “Doctor Ash” interviewing Dr Karl Kruszelnicki for our up coming episode on Global Warming. Dr Karl explains how renewable energy could power all of Australia within 10 years at a THIRD of the cost of coal.

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How Do Coal fired Power Stations Produce Electricity

  coal electricity generation

Australia has an abundance of coal which is mined and exported overseas as well as used in the production of electricity at our coal fired power stations.