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Electric Utility

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Sonnen Battery to put energy utilities “out of business”

  Battery storage Electric Utility Sonnen Sonnen Battery sonnenbatterie Sonnenflat

Christoph Ostermann, the founder and CEO of Sonnen Battery, a reputable German battery storage developer is a lucky man—just when he was about to reveal his strategy for putting Australian utilities “out of business”, the energy utilities announced—unanimously, an almost 20 per cent increase in the cost of grid energy.

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Utilities concerned as report indicates potential revenue loss of $48 billion

  Electric Utility

Electricity consumers in The U.S received awesome news during December 2014 with the prospect of spending less money on electricity. A newly released report by Accenture indicated that potential revenue loss for U.

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Are smart meters going the way of poles and wires to extinction?

  Electric Utility Smart meters

The latest developments in the electric utility industry seem to indicate that smart meters are being shown the door. Are smart meters becoming the new white elephant?